A. H. Nayyar
A. H. Nayyar
Retired from Physics Department, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
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Cited by
The subtle subversion: The state of curricula and textbooks in Pakistan Urdu, English, Social Studies and Civics
AH Nayyar, A Salim
Sustainable Development Policy Institute, 2005
Rewriting the history of Pakistan
PA Hoodbhoy, AH Nayyar
Islam, politics and the state: The Pakistan experience, 164-177, 1985
Fissile materials in South Asia and the implications of the US-India nuclear deal
Z Mian, AH Nayyar, R Rajaraman, MV Ramana
Science and Global Security 14 (2-3), 117-143, 2006
Madrassah education–frozen in time
AH Nayyar
Education and the state: Fifty years of Pakistan, 216-240, 1998
Playing the nuclear game: Pakistan and the fissile material cutoff treaty
Z Mian, AH Nayyar
Arms Control Today 40 (3), 17-24, 2010
Intensitivity of Pakistani School Education to Religious Diversity of the Nation
AH Nayyar
Human Rights Education in Asian Schools 7, 76-83, 2003
India, Pakistan and the bomb
MV Ramana, AH Nayyar
Scientific American 285 (6), 72-83, 2001
Nuclear submarines in South Asia: New risks and dangers
Z Mian, MV Ramana, AH Nayyar
Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament 2 (1), 184-202, 2019
The subtle subversion
AH Nayyar, A Salim
Retrieved August 2, 2013, 2003
A missed opportunity: Continuing flaws in the new curriculum and textbooks after reforms
AH Nayyar
draft report prepared for Jinnah Institute, Islamabad, 2013
The Limited Military Utility of Pakistan’s Battlefield Use of Nuclear Weapons in Response to Large Scale Indian Conventional Attack
AH Nayyar, Z Mian
Pakistan Security Research Unit, Brief, 7, 2010
Exploring uranium resource constraints on fissile material production in Pakistan
Z Mian, AH Nayyar, R Rajaraman
Science and Global Security 17 (2-3), 77-108, 2009
Pakistan's Chashma Nuclear Power Plant: A preliminary study of some safety issues and estimates of the consequences of a severe accident
Z Mian, AH Nayyar
Islamabad, Pakistan, 1999
The risks and consequences of nuclear war in South Asia
M McKinzie, Z Mian, AH Nayyar, MV Ramana
Out of the Nuclear Shadow, edited by S. Kothari, and Z. Mian, 185-196, 2001
Conflict and violence in the educational process
K Hasanain, AH Nayyar
Making enemies, creating conflict: Pakistan’s crises of state and society, 1-15, 1997
Nuclear High-level Waste Tank Explosions: Potential Causes and Impacts of a Hypothetical Accident at India's Kalpakkam Reprocessing Plant
MV Ramana, AH Nayyar, M Schoeppner
Science & Global Security 24 (3), 174-203, 2016
Magnon-phonon interaction in rare earth metals with helical spin structures
AH Nayyar, D Sherrington
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 2 (5), 893, 1972
Nuclear Civil Defence in South Asia: Is It Feasible?
R Rajaraman, Z Mian, AH Nayyar
Economic and Political Weekly, 5017-5026, 2004
Islamisation of Curricula
AH Nayyar
South Asian Journal 2, 2003
An Initial Analysis of 85 Kr Production and Dispersion from Reprocessing in India and Pakistan
Z Mian, AH Nayyar
Science and Global Security 10 (3), 151-179, 2002
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Articles 1–20