abrahan mora
abrahan mora
Tecnológico de Monterrey
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Cited by
Tracking nitrate and sulfate sources in groundwater of an urbanized valley using a multi-tracer approach combined with a Bayesian isotope mixing model
JA Torres-Martínez, A Mora, PSK Knappett, N Ornelas-Soto, J Mahlknecht
Water Research 182, 115962, 2020
Survey of 218 organic contaminants in groundwater derived from the world's largest untreated wastewater irrigation system: Mezquital Valley, Mexico
LE Lesser, A Mora, C Moreau, J Mahlknecht, A Hernández-Antonio, ...
Chemosphere 198, 510-521, 2018
Estimation of nitrate pollution sources and transformations in groundwater of an intensive livestock-agricultural area (Comarca Lagunera), combining major ions, stable isotopes …
JA Torres-Martínez, A Mora, J Mahlknecht, LW Daesslé, ...
Environmental pollution 269, 115445, 2021
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in water streams: Occurrence, detection, and removal by electrochemical advanced oxidation processes
I Lozano, CJ Pérez-Guzmán, A Mora, J Mahlknecht, CL Aguilar, ...
Science of The Total Environment 827, 154348, 2022
Groundwater contamination pathways of phthalates and bisphenol A: origin, characteristics, transport, and fate–a review
J Dueñas-Moreno, A Mora, P Cervantes-Avilés, J Mahlknecht
Environment International 170, 107550, 2022
Determining nitrate and sulfate pollution sources and transformations in a coastal aquifer impacted by seawater intrusion—a multi-isotopic approach combined with self …
JA Torres-Martínez, A Mora, J Mahlknecht, D Kaown, D Barceló
Journal of Hazardous Materials 417, 126103, 2021
Assessment of major ions and trace elements in groundwater supplied to the Monterrey metropolitan area, Nuevo León, Mexico
A Mora, J Mahlknecht, L Rosales-Lagarde, A Hernández-Antonio
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189, 1-15, 2017
Occurrence of emerging organic contaminants and endocrine disruptors in different water compartments in Mexico–A review
I Vázquez-Tapia, T Salazar-Martínez, M Acosta-Castro, ...
Chemosphere 308, 136285, 2022
A review of the current environmental status and human health implications of one of the most polluted rivers of Mexico: The Atoyac River, Puebla
A Mora, M García-Gamboa, MS Sánchez-Luna, L Gloria-García, ...
Science of the Total Environment 782, 146788, 2021
Niveles de metales pesados en sedimentos de la cuenca del río Puyango, Ecuador
A Mora, D Jumbo-Flores, M González-Merizalde, SA Bermeo-Flores
Revista internacional de contaminación ambiental 32 (4), 385-397, 2016
Heavy metal enrichment factors in fluvial sediments of an Amazonian Basin Impacted by Gold Mining
A Mora, D Jumbo-Flores, M González-Merizalde, SA Bermeo-Flores, ...
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 102, 210-217, 2019
Manganese and mercury levels in water, sediments, and children living near gold-mining areas of the Nangaritza River Basin, Ecuadorian Amazon
MV González-Merizalde, JA Menezes-Filho, CT Cruz-Erazo, ...
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 71, 171-182, 2016
Temporal distribution of heavy metal concentrations in oysters Crassostrea rhizophorae from the central Venezuelan coast
JA Alfonso, H Handt, A Mora, Y Vásquez, J Azocar, E Marcano
Marine pollution bulletin 73 (1), 394-398, 2013
Effects of wastewater irrigation on groundwater quality: An overview
A Mora, JA Torres-Martínez, MV Capparelli, A Zabala, J Mahlknecht
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 25, 100322, 2022
Dynamics of major and trace elements during seawater intrusion in a coastal sedimentary aquifer impacted by anthropogenic activities
A Mora, J Mahlknecht, R Ledesma-Ruiz, WE Sanford, LE Lesser
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 232, 103653, 2020
Survey of trace metals in drinking water supplied to rural populations in the eastern Llanos of Venezuela
A Mora, C Mac-Quhae, M Calzadilla, L Sánchez
Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2), 752-759, 2009
Seasonal variability of total dissolved fluxes and origin of major dissolved elements within a large tropical river: the Orinoco, Venezuela
A Laraque, JS Moquet, R Alkattan, J Steiger, A Mora, G Adèle, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 44, 4-17, 2013
Worldwide risk assessment of phthalates and bisphenol A in humans: The need for updating guidelines
J Dueñas-Moreno, A Mora, M Kumar, XZ Meng, J Mahlknecht
Environment International 181, 108294, 2023
Impact of land degradation from mining activities on the sediment fluxes in two large rivers of French Guiana
M Gallay, JM Martinez, S Allo, A Mora, G Cochonneau, A Gardel, ...
Land Degradation & Development 29 (12), 4323-4336, 2018
Temporal variation and fluxes of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in the Apure, Caura and Orinoco rivers, Venezuela
A Mora, A Laraque, P Moreira-Turcq, JA Alfonso
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 54, 47-56, 2014
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Articles 1–20