Flying, fasting, and feeding in birds during migration: a nutritional and physiological ecology perspective SR McWilliams, C Guglielmo, B Pierce, M Klaassen Journal of Avian Biology 35 (5), 377-393, 2004 | 544 | 2004 |
The Motus Wildlife Tracking System: A collaborative research network to enhance the understanding of wildlife movement. PD Taylor, TL Crewe, SA Mackenzie, D Lepage, Y Aubry, Z Crysler, ... Avian Conservation & Ecology 12 (1), 2017 | 413 | 2017 |
Grand challenges in migration biology MS Bowlin, IA Bisson, J Shamoun-Baranes, JD Reichard, N Sapir, ... Integrative and comparative biology 50 (3), 261-279, 2010 | 270 | 2010 |
Move that fatty acid: fuel selection and transport in migratory birds and bats CG Guglielmo Integrative and Comparative Biology 50 (3), 336-345, 2010 | 234 | 2010 |
A field validation of plasma metabolite profiling to assess refueling performance of migratory birds CG Guglielmo, DJ Cerasale, C Eldermire Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78 (1), 116-125, 2005 | 213 | 2005 |
Landscape movements of migratory birds and bats reveal an expanded scale of stopover PD Taylor, SA Mackenzie, BG Thurber, AM Calvert, AM Mills, LP McGuire, ... PLoS One 6 (11), e27054, 2011 | 190 | 2011 |
Migratory stopover in the long‐distance migrant silver‐haired bat, Lasionycteris noctivagans LP McGuire, CG Guglielmo, SA Mackenzie, PD Taylor Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (2), 377-385, 2012 | 183 | 2012 |
Storms drive altitudinal migration in a tropical bird WA Boyle, DR Norris, CG Guglielmo Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1693), 2511-2519, 2010 | 181 | 2010 |
Trade‐offs, condition dependence and stopover site selection by migrating sandpipers RC Ydenberg, RW Butler, DB Lank, CG Guglielmo, M Lemon, N Wolf Journal of Avian Biology 33 (1), 47-55, 2002 | 181 | 2002 |
Obese super athletes: fat-fueled migration in birds and bats CG Guglielmo Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (Suppl_1), jeb165753, 2018 | 176 | 2018 |
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Sources of Variation in Plasma Lipid Metabolites of Free-Living Western Sandpipers (Calidris Mauri) CG Guglielmo, PD O'Hara, TD Williams The Auk 119 (2), 437-445, 2002 | 169 | 2002 |
Flight at low ambient humidity increases protein catabolism in migratory birds AR Gerson, CG Guglielmo Science 333 (6048), 1434-1436, 2011 | 166 | 2011 |
Seasonal dynamics of flight muscle fatty acid binding protein and catabolic enzymes in a migratory shorebird CG Guglielmo, NH Haunerland, PW Hochachka, TD Williams American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2002 | 164 | 2002 |
Plasma lipid metabolites provide information on mass change over several days in captive Western Sandpipers TD Williams, CG Guglielmo, O Egeler, CJ Martyniuk The Auk 116 (4), 994-1000, 1999 | 145 | 1999 |
Simple, rapid, and non-invasive measurement of fat, lean, and total water masses of live birds using quantitative magnetic resonance CG Guglielmo, LP McGuire, AR Gerson, CL Seewagen Journal of Ornithology 152, 75-85, 2011 | 141 | 2011 |
The low-affinity glucocorticoid receptor regulates feeding and lipid breakdown in the migratory Gambel's white-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii MM Landys, M Ramenofsky, CG Guglielmo, JC Wingfield Journal of Experimental Biology 207 (1), 143-154, 2004 | 139 | 2004 |
Nutritional costs of a plant secondary metabolite explain selective foraging by ruffed grouse CG Guglielmo, WH Karasov, WJ Jakubas Ecology 77 (4), 1103-1115, 1996 | 135 | 1996 |
Effect of dietary fatty acid composition on depot fat and exercise performance in a migrating songbird, the red-eyed vireo BJ Pierce, SR McWilliams, TP O'Connor, AR Place, CG Guglielmo Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (7), 1277-1285, 2005 | 131 | 2005 |
Weather forecasting by insects: modified sexual behaviour in response to atmospheric pressure changes AC Pellegrino, MFGV Peñaflor, C Nardi, W Bezner-Kerr, CG Guglielmo, ... PloS one 8 (10), e75004, 2013 | 124 | 2013 |
Seasonal upregulation of fatty acid transporters in flight muscles of migratory white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) JT McFarlan, A Bonen, CG Guglielmo Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (18), 2934-2940, 2009 | 122 | 2009 |