Thibault Mirabel
Thibault Mirabel
Ph.D., University of Paris Nanterre, France
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Cited by
Cited by
Past, present and future of empirical research on employee-owned firms: a structured literature review over 1970–2019
T Mirabel
Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership 4 (1), 1-25, 2021
Employee-owned firms in France
F Fakhfakh, N Magne, T Mirabel, V Pérotin
Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership 6 (2), 101-127, 2023
Survival advantage of worker buyouts over newly created worker-owned firms
T Mirabel
Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership 4 (3), 212-234, 2021
Performance and rarity of worker-owned firms: empirical evidence from France
T Mirabel
Université Paris Nanterre, 2022
Launching a European Employee Stock Ownership Plan (European ESOP)
J Lowitzsch, JD Menke, D Suarsana, G Nuttall, T Gonza, T Mirabel
Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership 7 (2), 168-195, 2024
Do sunk costs nip worker-owned firms in the bud?
T Mirabel
Economic and Industrial Democracy, 0143831X241284832, 2024
Informes sobre tesis defendidas
T Boughedada, L Clément, D Costa, S Dini, V Duchesne, M Duros, ...
Revue Franįaise de Socio-Économie 30 (1), 297-316, 2023
Review of defended theses
T Boughedada, L Clément, D Costa, S Dini, V Duchesne, M Duros, ...
Revue Française de Socio-Économie 30 (1), 297-316, 2023
Comptes rendus de thèses soutenues
T Boughedada, L Clément, D Costa, S Dini, V Duchesne, M Duros, ...
Revue française de socio-Economie 30, 297-316, 2023
Performance et rareté des coopératives de travailleurs : contributions empiriques à partir du cas français (Scop)
T Mirabel
Revue de la régulation 33 (Autumn 2022), 2022
Cooperatives beyond markets and firms
T Mirabel
The Routledge Handbook of Cooperative Economics and Management, 46-60, 0
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Articles 1–11