C. Patrick Doncaster
C. Patrick Doncaster
School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton UK
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Cited by
Safe and just operating spaces for regional social-ecological systems
JA Dearing, R Wang, K Zhang, JG Dyke, H Haberl, MS Hossain, ...
Global Environmental Change 28, 227-238, 2014
AudioMoth: Evaluation of a smart open acoustic device for monitoring biodiversity and the environment
AP Hill, P Prince, E Piña Covarrubias, CP Doncaster, JL Snaddon, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (5), 1199-1211, 2018
Differential use of trails by forest mammals and the implications for camera‐trap studies: a case study from Belize
BJ Harmsen, RJ Foster, S Silver, L Ostro, CP Doncaster
Biotropica 42 (1), 126-133, 2010
Jaguar and puma activity patterns in relation to their main prey
BJ Harmsen, RJ Foster, SC Silver, LET Ostro, CP Doncaster
Mammalian Biology 76 (3), 320-324, 2011
Analysis of variance and covariance: how to choose and construct models for the life sciences
CP Doncaster, AJH Davey
Cambridge University Press, 2007
The ecology of small mammals in urban habitats. I. Populations in a patchy environment
CR Dickman, CP Doncaster
The journal of animal ecology, 629-640, 1987
Roads as barriers to movement for hedgehogs
C Rondinini, CP Doncaster
Functional Ecology 16 (4), 504-509, 2002
AudioMoth: A low-cost acoustic device for monitoring biodiversity and the environment
AP Hill, P Prince, JL Snaddon, CP Doncaster, A Rogers
HardwareX 6, e00073, 2019
Feeding Ecology of Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in the City of Oxford, England
CP Doncaster, CR Dickman, DW Macdonald
Journal of Mammalogy 71 (2), 188-194, 1990
Spatial and Temporal Interactions of Sympatric Jaguars (Panthera onca) and Pumas (Puma concolor) in a Neotropical Forest
BJ Harmsen, RJ Foster, SC Silver, LET Ostro, CP Doncaster
Journal of mammalogy 90 (3), 612-620, 2009
Drifting territoriality in the red fox Vulpes vulpes
CP Doncaster, DW Macdonald
The Journal of Animal Ecology, 423-439, 1991
Non-parametric estimates of interaction from radio-tracking data
CP Doncaster
Journal of theoretical biology 143 (4), 431-443, 1990
Evaluating least-cost model predictions with empirical dispersal data: a case-study using radiotracking data of hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)
K Driezen, F Adriaensen, C Rondinini, CP Doncaster, E Matthysen
Ecological modelling 209 (2-4), 314-322, 2007
Food habits of sympatric jaguars and pumas across a gradient of human disturbance
RJ Foster, BJ Harmsen, B Valdes, C Pomilla, CP Doncaster
Journal of Zoology 280 (3), 309-318, 2010
Balanced dispersal between spatially varying local populations: an alternative to the source-sink model
CP Doncaster, J Clobert, B Doligez, L Gustafsson, E Danchin
The American Naturalist 150 (4), 425-445, 1997
The role of metapopulations in conservation
HR Akçakaya, G Mills, CP Doncaster
Key topics in conservation biology 1, 64-84, 2007
Responses of small mammals to red fox (Vulpes vulpes) odour
CR Dickman, CP Doncaster
Journal of Zoology 204 (4), 521-531, 1984
Den site can determine shape and size of badger territories: implications for group-living
CP Doncaster, R Woodroffe
Oikos, 88-93, 1993
Habitat use by sympatric jaguars and pumas across a gradient of human disturbance in Belize
RJ Foster, BJ Harmsen, CP Doncaster
Biotropica 42 (6), 724-731, 2010
The ecological cost of sex
CP Doncaster, GE Pound, SJ Cox
Nature 404 (6775), 281-285, 2000
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Articles 1–20