Ádám Miklós Halász
Ádám Miklós Halász
Associate Professor of Mathematics, West Virginia University
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Phase Diagram of QCD
MA Halasz, AD Jackson, RE Shrock, MA Stephanov, JJM Verbaarschot
Phys. Rev. D 58, 096007, 1998
Optimized stochastic policies for task allocation in swarms of robots
S Berman, A Halász, MA Hsieh, V Kumar
IEEE transactions on robotics 25 (4), 927-937, 2009
Universal fluctuations in spectra of the lattice Dirac operator
MA Halasz, JJM Verbaarschot
Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3920, 1995
Biologically inspired redistribution of a swarm of robots among multiple sites
MA Hsieh, Á Halász, S Berman, V Kumar
Swarm Intelligence 2 (2), 121-141, 2008
Stochastic Modeling and Control of Biological Systems: The Lactose Regulation System of Escherichia Coli
AA Julius, Á Halász, MS Sakar, H Rubin, V Kumar, GJ Pappas
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 53 (Special Issue), 51-65, 2008
Random matrix triality at nonzero chemical potential
MA Halasz, JC Osborn, JJM Verbaarschot
Physical Review D 56 (11), 7059, 1997
Effective Lagrangians and chiral random matrix theory
MA Halasz, JJM Verbaarschot
Physical Review D 52 (4), 2563, 1995
Fermion determinants in matrix models of QCD at nonzero chemical potential
MA Halasz, AD Jackson, JJM Verbaarschot
Physical Review D 56 (8), 5140, 1997
Bio-inspired group behaviors for the deployment of a swarm of robots to multiple destinations
S Berman, A Halász, V Kumar, S Pratt
Proceedings 2007 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation …, 2007
Dynamic redistribution of a swarm of robots among multiple sites
A Halász, MA Hsieh, S Berman, V Kumar
2007 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2007
Universal correlations in spectra of the lattice QCD Dirac operator
MA Halasz, T Kalkreuter, JJM Verbaarschot
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 53 (1-3), 266-268, 1997
Investigating metabolite essentiality through genome-scale analysis of Escherichia coli production capabilities
M Imieliński, C Belta, A Halasz, H Rubin
Bioinformatics 21 (9), 2008-2016, 2005
Yang-Lee zeros of a random matrix model for QCD at finite density
MA Halasz, AD Jackson, JJM Verbaarschot
Physics Letters B 395 (3-4), 293-297, 1997
Quantitative understanding of cell signaling: the importance of membrane organization
K Radhakrishnan, A Halasz, D Vlachos, JS Edwards
Current opinion in biotechnology 21 (5), 677-682, 2010
Systematic analysis of conservation relations in Escherichia coli genome-scale metabolic network reveals novel growth media
M Imieliński, C Belta, H Rubin, Á Halász
Biophysical journal 90 (8), 2659-2672, 2006
Analysis of lactose metabolism in E. coli using reachability analysis of hybrid systems
A Halasz, V Kumar, M Imielinski, C Belta, O Sokolsky, S Pathak, H Rubin
IET Systems Biology 1 (2), 130-148, 2007
Algorithms for the analysis and synthesis of a bio-inspired swarm robotic system
S Berman, Á Halász, V Kumar, S Pratt
Swarm Robotics: Second International Workshop, SAB 2006, Rome, Italy …, 2007
Understanding the bacterial stringent response using reachability analysis of hybrid systems
C Belta, P Finin, LC Habets, ÁM Halász, M Imieliński, RV Kumar, H Rubin
International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 111-125, 2004
Orchestration of ErbB3 signaling through heterointeractions and homointeractions
M McCabe Pryor, MP Steinkamp, AM Halasz, Y Chen, S Yang, MS Smith, ...
Molecular biology of the cell 26 (22), 4109-4123, 2015
MARCO: A Reachability Algorithm for Multi-affine Systems with Applications to Biological Systems
S Berman, Á Halász, V Kumar
International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 76-89, 2007
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Articles 1–20