Ishtiaq Mahmood
Ishtiaq Mahmood
Professor of Strategy, NUS Business School
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Diversification and performance: evidence from East Asian firms
A Chakrabarti, K Singh, I Mahmood
Strategic management journal 28 (2), 101-120, 2007
When and how does business group affiliation promote firm innovation? A tale of two emerging economies
SJ Chang, CN Chung, IP Mahmood
Organization science 17 (5), 637-656, 2006
From the editors: Endogeneity in international business research
D Reeb, M Sakakibara, IP Mahmood
Journal of International Business Studies 43, 211-218, 2012
Where can capabilities come from? Network ties and capability acquisition in business groups
IP Mahmood, H Zhu, EJ Zajac
Strategic Management Journal 32 (8), 820-848, 2011
Two faces: Effects of business groups on innovation in emerging economies
IP Mahmood, W Mitchell
Management Science 50 (10), 1348-1365, 2004
Government's dilemma: The role of government in imitation and innovation
IP Mahmood, C Rufin
Academy of Management Review 30 (2), 338-360, 2005
Technological dynamism in Asia
IP Mahmood, J Singh
Research policy 32 (6), 1031-1054, 2003
Government’s dilemma, AMR, 30: 338–360; P. Ring, G. Bigley, T. D’Aunno, & T. Khanna, 2005
I Mahmood, C Rufin
Perspectives on how governments matter, AMR 30, 308-320, 2005
Dynamic inducements in R&D investment: Market signals and network locations
PH Soh, IP Mahmood, W Mitchell
Academy of Management Journal 47 (6), 907-917, 2004
Centralization of intragroup equity ties and performance of business group affiliates
IP Mahmood, H Zhu, A Zaheer
Strategic Management Journal 38 (5), 1082-1100, 2017
The evolving impact of combinatorial opportunities and exhaustion on innovation by business groups as market development increases: The case of Taiwan
I Mahmood, CN Chung, W Mitchell
Management Science 59 (5), 1142-1161, 2013
Business groups: entry barrier–innovation debate revisited
IP Mahmood, CY Lee
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 54 (4), 513-531, 2004
Whether and how: Effects of international joint ventures on local innovation in an emerging economy
IP Mahmood, W Zheng
Research Policy 38 (9), 1489-1503, 2009
Political connections and business strategy in dynamic environments: How types and destinations of political ties affect business diversification in closed and open political …
I Mahmood, CN Chung, W Mitchell
Global Strategy Journal 7 (4), 375-399, 2017
Taiwanese business groups: steady growth in institutional transition
CN Chung, IP Mahmood
Business groups in East Asia: Financial crisis, restructuring, and new …, 2006
Inter-industry differences in profitability: the legacy of the structure–efficiency debate revisited
CY Lee, IP Mahmood
Industrial and Corporate Change 18 (3), 351-380, 2009
Capital market development and firm restructuring during an economic shock
K Singh, IP Mahmood, S Natarajan
Organization Science 28 (3), 552-573, 2017
Middle management involvement in resource allocation: The evolution of automated teller machines and bank branches in India
S Natarajan, IP Mahmood, W Mitchell
Strategic Management Journal 40 (7), 1070-1096, 2019
Business groups in Taiwan
CN Chung, IP Mahmood
Political connections and business strategy: The impact of types and destinations of political ties on business diversification in closed and open political economic
CN Chung, I Mahmood, W Mitchell
CEI Working Paper Series, 2009
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Articles 1–20