Edward W. Taylor, E. W. Taylor, Ed Taylor
Cited by
Cited by
Transformative Learning Theory
E Taylor, P Cranton
Mapping the field of adult and continuing education 2, 39-46, 2017
Transformative learning in practice: Insights from community, workplace, and higher education
J Mezirow, EW Taylor
John Wiley & Sons, 2009
An update of transformative learning theory: A critical review of the empirical research (1999–2005)
EW Taylor
International journal of lifelong education 26 (2), 173-191, 2007
The handbook of transformative learning: Theory, research, and practice
EW Taylor, P Cranton
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
The theory and practice of transformative learning: A critical review
EW Taylor
ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education, Center on …, 1998
Analyzing research on transformative learning theory
EW Taylor
Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on a theory in progress 1 …, 2000
Intercultural competency: A transformative learning process
EW Taylor
Adult education quarterly 44 (3), 154-174, 1994
Building upon the theoretical debate: A critical review of the empirical studies of Mezirow's transformative learning theory
EW Taylor
Adult education quarterly 48 (1), 34-59, 1997
Fostering transformative learning
EW Taylor
Transformative learning in practice: Insights from community, workplace, and …, 2009
Transformative learning theory: Seeking a more unified theory
P Cranton, EW Taylor
The handbook of transformative learning: Theory, research, and practice, 3-20, 2012
Transformative learning theory: A neurobiological perspective of the role of emotions and unconscious ways of knowing
EW Taylor
International Journal of lifelong education 20 (3), 218-236, 2001
A theory in progress? Issues in transformative learning theory
EW Taylor, P Cranton
European journal for research on the education and learning of adults 4 (1 …, 2013
A learning model for becoming interculturally competent
EW Taylor
International journal of intercultural relations 18 (3), 389-408, 1994
A Critical Review of Research on Transformative Learning Theory, 2006-2010
EW Taylor, MJ Snyder
The Handbook of Transformative Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice, 37, 2012
Mentors and muses: New strategies for academic success
H Angelique, K Kyle, E Taylor
Innovative Higher Education 26, 195-209, 2002
Fostering Mezirow's transformative learning theory in the adult education classroom: A critical review
EW Taylor
Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education 14 (2), 1-28, 2000
The Theory and Practice of Transformative Learning: A Critical Review. Information Series No. 374.
EW Taylor
Center on Education and Training for Employment, 1900 Kenny Road, Columbus …, 1998
Adult education philosophy informs practice
EJ Tisdell, EW Taylor
Adult learning 11 (2), 6-10, 2000
Developing a survey of transformative learning outcomes and processes based on theoretical principles
HL Stuckey, EW Taylor, P Cranton
Journal of Transformative Education 11 (4), 211-228, 2013
Transformative learning: A critical review
EW Taylor
ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education 374, 356-362, 1998
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Articles 1–20