Alexandros Preventis
Alexandros Preventis
Dept. of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Techncial University of Crete (TUC)
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Cited by
IoT-A and FIWARE: Bridging the Barriers between the Cloud and IoT Systems Design and Implementation.
A Preventis, K Stravoskoufos, S Sotiriadis, EGM Petrakis
CLOSER (2), 146-153, 2016
CHRONOS: A Tool for Handling Temporal Ontologies in Protégé
A Preventis, P Marki, EGM Petrakis, S Batsakis
Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2012 IEEE 24th International …, 2012
A Survey on Approaches for Interoperability and Portability of Cloud Computing Services.
K Stravoskoufos, A Preventis, S Sotiriadis, EGM Petrakis
CLOSER, 112-117, 2014
Interact: Gesture Recognition in the Cloud
A Preventis, K Stravoskoufos, S Sotiriadis, EGM Petrakis
Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International …, 2014
Personalized motion sensor driven gesture recognition in the fiware cloud platform
A Preventis, K Stravoskoufos, S Sotiriadis, EGM Petrakis
2015 14th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 19-26, 2015
CLONE: Collaborative Ontology Editor as a Service in the Cloud
A Preventis, EGM Petrakis
Procedia Computer Science 184, 275-282, 2021
Motion sensor driven gesture recognition for future internet application development
K Stravoskoufos, S Sotiriadis, A Preventis, EGM Petrakis
IISA 2014, The 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence …, 2014
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Articles 1–7