Thomas L Theis
Cited by
Cited by
Complexation of iron (II) by organic matter and its effect on iron (II) oxygenation
TL Theis, PC Singer
Environmental Science & Technology 8 (6), 569-573, 1974
Sorptive behavior of trace metals on fly ash in aqueous systems
TL Theis, JL Wirth
Environmental Science & Technology 11 (12), 1096-1100, 1977
Toward sustainable nanoproducts: An overview of nanomanufacturing methods
H Şengül, TL Theis, S Ghosh
Journal of Industrial Ecology 12 (3), 329-359, 2008
The distribution of heavy metals in anaerobic digestion
TD Hayes, TL Theis
Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), 61-72, 1978
Guiding the design space for nanotechnology to advance sustainable crop production
LM Gilbertson, L Pourzahedi, S Laughton, X Gao, JB Zimmerman, ...
Nature nanotechnology 15 (9), 801-810, 2020
Multicomponent equilibrium chemistry in groundwater quality models
AA Jennings, DJ Kirkner, TL Theis
Water Resources Research 18 (4), 1089-1096, 1982
A uniform definition and quantitative basis for industrial ecology
TP Seager, TL Theis
Journal of Cleaner Production 10 (3), 225-235, 2002
Quantitative analysis of factors affecting greenhouse gas emissions at institutions of higher education
C Klein-Banai, TL Theis
Journal of Cleaner Production 48, 29-38, 2013
Feature: Environmental trade-offs of biobased production
SA Miller, AE Landis, TL Theis
Environmental science & technology 41 (15), 5176-5182, 2007
A framework for sustainable nanomaterial selection and design based on performance, hazard, and economic considerations
MM Falinski, DL Plata, SS Chopra, TL Theis, LM Gilbertson, ...
Nature nanotechnology 13 (8), 708-714, 2018
A game theory framework for cooperative management of refillable and disposable bottle lifecycles
HG Grimes-Casey, TP Seager, TL Theis, SE Powers
Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (17), 1618-1627, 2007
Life cycle of the corn− soybean agroecosystem for biobased production
AE Landis, SA Miller, TL Theis
Environmental science & technology 41 (4), 1457-1464, 2007
Environmental assessment of ash disposal
TL Theis, KH Gardner
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 20 (1), 21-42, 1990
An environmental impact assessment of quantum dot photovoltaics (QDPV) from raw material acquisition through use
H Şengül, TL Theis
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (1), 21-31, 2011
A new framework for urban sustainability assessments: Linking complexity, information and policy
ML Zellner, TL Theis, AT Karunanithi, AS Garmestani, H Cabezas
Computers, environment and urban systems 32 (6), 474-488, 2008
Evaluating a new granular iron oxide for removing lead from drinking water
TL Theis, R Iyer, SK Ellis
Journal‐American Water Works Association 84 (7), 101-105, 1992
Kinetic studies of cadmium and ferricyanide adsorption of goethite
TL Theis, R Iyer, LW Kaul
Environmental science & technology 22 (9), 1013-1017, 1988
The stabilization of ferrous iron by organic compounds in natural waters
TL Theis, PC Singer
Trace metals and metal-organic interactions in natural waters, 303-320, 1973
Use of Monte Carlo analysis to characterize nitrogen fluxes in agroecosystems
SA Miller, AE Landis, TL Theis
Environmental science & technology 40 (7), 2324-2332, 2006
An urban university's ecological footprint and the effect of climate change
C Klein-Banai, TL Theis
Ecological Indicators 11 (3), 857-860, 2011
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Articles 1–20