Takahiro Shinozaki
Cited by
Cited by
Flexmatch: Boosting semi-supervised learning with curriculum pseudo labeling
B Zhang, Y Wang, W Hou, H Wu, J Wang, M Okumura, T Shinozaki
Advances in neural information processing systems 34, 18408-18419, 2021
Freematch: Self-adaptive thresholding for semi-supervised learning
Y Wang, H Chen, Q Heng, W Hou, Y Fan, Z Wu, J Wang, M Savvides, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.07246, 2022
Reverberant speech recognition based on denoising autoencoder.
T Ishii, H Komiyama, T Shinozaki, Y Horiuchi, S Kuroiwa
Interspeech, 3512-3516, 2013
Benchmark test for speech recognition using the corpus of spontaneous
T Kawahara, H Nanjo, T Shinozaki, S Furui
Book name SSPR2003, Vol., No., 135-138, 2003
Pushing the envelope-aside [speech recognition]
N Morgan, Q Zhu, A Stolcke, K Sonmez, S Sivadas, T Shinozaki, ...
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 22 (5), 81-88, 2005
Usb: A unified semi-supervised learning benchmark for classification
Y Wang, H Chen, Y Fan, W Sun, R Tao, W Hou, R Wang, L Yang, Z Zhou, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 3938-3961, 2022
Toward the realization of spontaneous speech recognition
S Furui, K Maekawa, H Isahara, T Shinozaki, T Ohdaira
Proc. ICSLP 3, 518-521, 2000
Large-scale end-to-end multilingual speech recognition and language identification with multi-task learning
W Hou, Y Dong, B Zhuang, L Yang, J Shi, T Shinozaki
Babel 37 (4k), 10k, 2020
Exploiting adapters for cross-lingual low-resource speech recognition
W Hou, H Zhu, Y Wang, J Wang, T Qin, R Xu, T Shinozaki
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 30, 317-329, 2021
Electrooculography-based continuous eye-writing recognition system for efficient assistive communication systems
F Fang, T Shinozaki
PloS one 13 (2), e0192684, 2018
Structure discovery of deep neural network based on evolutionary algorithms
T Shinozaki, S Watanabe
2015 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2015
Towards automatic transcription of spontaneous presentations.
T Shinozaki, C Hori, S Furui
INTERSPEECH, 491-494, 2001
Taxi demand prediction using ensemble model based on rnns and xgboost
U Vanichrujee, T Horanont, W Pattara-atikom, T Theeramunkong, ...
2018 International Conference on Embedded Systems and Intelligent Technology …, 2018
Noise‐robust speech recognition using multi‐band spectral features
Y Nishimura, T Shinozaki, K Iwano, S Furui
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116 (4_Supplement), 2480-2480, 2004
Investigation on Mandarin broadcast news speech recognition.
MY Hwang, X Lei, W Wang, T Shinozaki
Interspeech, 2006
Spontaneous speech recognition using a massively parallel decoder.
T Shinozaki, S Furui
INTERSPEECH, 1705-1708, 2004
Analysis on individual differences in automatic transcription of spontaneous presentations
T Shinozaki, S Furui
2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2002
Error analysis using decision trees in spontaneous presentation speech recognition
T Shinozaki, S Furui
IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, 2001. ASRU …, 2001
Cross-validation and aggregated EM training for robust parameter estimation
T Shinozaki, M Ostendorf
Computer Speech & Language 22 (2), 185-195, 2008
Ubiquitous speech processing
S Furui, K Iwano, C Hori, T Shinozaki, Y Saito, S Tamura
2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2001
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Articles 1–20