Lingyu Yu
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Cited by
In situ 2-D piezoelectric wafer active sensors arrays for guided wave damage detection
L Yu, V Giurgiutiu
Ultrasonics 48 (2), 117-134, 2008
Lamb wave-mode tuning of piezoelectric wafer active sensors for structural health monitoring
GB Santoni, L Yu, B Xu, V Giurgiutiu
In-situ optimized PWAS phased arrays for Lamb wave structural health monitoring
L Yu, V Giurgiutiu
Journal of mechanics of materials and structures 2 (3), 459-487, 2007
Delamination detection and quantification on laminated composite structures with Lamb waves and wavenumber analysis
Z Tian, L Yu, C Leckey
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 26 (13), 1723-1738, 2015
Lamb wave frequency–wavenumber analysis and decomposition
Z Tian, L Yu
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 25 (9), 1107-1123, 2014
Lamb wave structural health monitoring using a hybrid PZT-laser vibrometer approach
L Yu, Z Tian
Structural Health Monitoring 12 (5-6), 469-483, 2013
Shear lag solution for tuning ultrasonic piezoelectric wafer active sensors with applications to Lamb wave array imaging
L Yu, G Bottai-Santoni, V Giurgiutiu
International Journal of Engineering Science 48 (10), 848-861, 2010
Predictive modeling of electromechanical impedance spectroscopy for composite materials
M Gresil, L Yu, V Giurgiutiu, M Sutton
Structural Health Monitoring 11 (6), 671-683, 2012
Crack imaging and quantification in aluminum plates with guided wave wavenumber analysis methods
L Yu, Z Tian, CAC Leckey
Ultrasonics 62, 203-212, 2015
Guided wave phased array beamforming and imaging in composite plates
L Yu, Z Tian
Ultrasonics 68, 43-53, 2016
Advanced signal processing for enhanced damage detection with piezoelectric wafer active sensors
L Yu, V Giurgiutiu
Smart Structures and Systems 1 (2), 185-215, 2005
Lamb wave–based quantitative crack detection using a focusing array algorithm
L Yu, CAC Leckey
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 24 (9), 1138-1152, 2013
Guided wave imaging for detection and evaluation of impact-induced delamination in composites
Z Tian, L Yu, C Leckey, J Seebo
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (10), 105019, 2015
Piezoelectric wafer active sensors for in situ ultrasonic‐guided wave SHM
L Yu, G Santoni‐Bottai, B Xu, W Liu, V Giurgiutiu
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 31 (8), 611-628, 2008
Rainbow trapping of ultrasonic guided waves in chirped phononic crystal plates
Z Tian, L Yu
Scientific reports 7 (1), 40004, 2017
Pulsed laser-scanning laser Doppler vibrometer (PL-SLDV) phased arrays for damage detection in aluminum plates
Z Tian, S Howden, Z Ma, W Xiao, L Yu
Mechanical systems and signal processing 121, 158-170, 2019
Rapid guided wave delamination detection and quantification in composites using global-local sensing
Z Tian, L Yu, C Leckey
Smart Materials and Structures 25 (8), 085042, 2016
Advanced methods for time-of-flight estimation with application to Lamb wave structural health monitoring
B Xu, L Yu, V Giurgiutiu
Proc. International Workshop on SHM, 1202-1209, 2009
Multi-mode damage detection methods with piezoelectric wafer active sensors
L Yu, V Giurgiutiu
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 20 (11), 1329-1341, 2009
Lamb waves decomposition and mode identification using matching pursuit method
B Xu, V Giurgiutiu, L Yu
Sensors and smart structures technologies for civil, mechanical, and …, 2009
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Articles 1–20