Brett Frederick Bathel
Brett Frederick Bathel
NASA Langley Research Center
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Velocity profile measurements in hypersonic flows using sequentially imaged fluorescence-based molecular tagging
BF Bathel, PM Danehy, JA Inman, SB Jones, CB Ivey, CP Goyne
AIAA journal 49 (9), 1883-1896, 2011
NO PLIF study of hypersonic transition over a discrete hemispherical roughness element
P Danehy, B Bathel, C Ivey, J Inman, S Jones
47th AIAA aerospace sciences meeting including the new horizons forum and …, 2009
High-speed PLIF imaging of hypersonic transition over discrete cylindrical roughness
P Danehy, C Ivey, J Inman, B Bathel, S Jones, N Jiang, M Webster, ...
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2010
Two-point, parallel-beam focused laser differential interferometry with a Nomarski prism
BF Bathel, JM Weisberger, GC Herring, RA King, SB Jones, RE Kennedy, ...
Applied optics 59 (2), 244-252, 2020
Numerical and experimental analysis of spallation phenomena
A Martin, SCC Bailey, F Panerai, RSC Davuluri, H Zhang, AR Vazsonyi, ...
CEAS Space Journal 8, 229-236, 2016
Multi-point line focused laser differential interferometer for high-speed flow fluctuation measurements
JM Weisberger, BF Bathel, GC Herring, GM Buck, SB Jones, AA Cavone
Applied Optics 59 (35), 11180-11195, 2020
Measurements of freestream fluctuations in the NASA Langley 20-Inch Mach 6 tunnel
A Chou, A Leidy, RA King, BF Bathel, G Herring
2018 Fluid Dynamics Conference, 3073, 2018
Investigation of gas seeding for planar laser-induced fluorescence in hypersonic boundary layers
CJ Arisman, CT Johansen, BF Bathel, PM Danehy
AIAA Journal 53 (12), 3637-3651, 2015
Unsteady analysis of shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction experiments at Mach 4.2
CS Combs, JD Schmisseur, BF Bathel, SB Jones
AIAA journal 57 (11), 4715-4724, 2019
Effects of pairwise, self-associating functional side groups on polymer solubility, solution viscosity, and mist control
RLA David, MH Wei, D Liu, BF Bathel, JP Plog, A Ratner, JA Kornfield
Macromolecules 42 (4), 1380-1391, 2009
Characterization of the NASA Langley arc heated scramjet test facility using NO PLIF
FG Kidd, V Narayanaswamy, PM Danehy, JA Inman, BF Bathel, KF Cabell, ...
30th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 2652, 2014
Three component velocity and acceleration measurement using FLEET
PM Danehy, BF Bathel, ND Calvert, A Dogariu, RB Miles
30th AIAA aerodynamic measurement technology and ground testing conference, 2228, 2014
Compact, self-aligned focusing schlieren system
BF Bathel, JM Weisberger
Optics Letters 46 (14), 3328-3331, 2021
Nitric-oxide planar laser-induced fluorescence measurements in the hypersonic materials environmental test system
JA Inman, BF Bathel, CT Johansen, PM Danehy, SB Jones, JG Gragg, ...
AIAA journal 51 (10), 2365-2379, 2013
Hypersonic laminar boundary layer velocimetry with discrete roughness on a flat plate
B Bathel, P Danehy, J Inman, A Watkins, S Jones, W Lipford, K Goodman, ...
40th Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 4998, 2010
Plenoptic background oriented schlieren imaging
JN Klemkowsky, TW Fahringer, CJ Clifford, BF Bathel, BS Thurow
Measurement Science and Technology 28 (9), 095404, 2017
PLIF visualization of active control of hypersonic boundary layers using blowing
B Bathel, P Danehy, J Inman, D Alderfer, S Berry
26th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 4266, 2008
Nitric oxide PLIF measurements in the hypersonic materials environmental test system (HYMETS)
J Inman, B Bathel, C Johansen, P Danehy, S Jones, J Gragg, S Splinter
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2011
Single source/cutoff grid, self-aligned focusing schlieren system
JM Weisberger, BF Bathel
Experiments in Fluids 63 (1), 38, 2022
Visualization of simulated fuel–air mixing in a dual-mode scramjet
LML Cantu, ECA Gallo, AD Cutler, BF Bathel, PM Danehy, RD Rockwell, ...
Journal of Propulsion and Power 32 (2), 373-382, 2016
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Articles 1–20