Huazhong Ning
Cited by
Cited by
Silhouette analysis-based gait recognition for human identification
L Wang, T Tan, H Ning, W Hu
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 25 (12), 1505 …, 2003
Fusion of static and dynamic body biometrics for gait recognition
L Wang, H Ning, T Tan, W Hu
IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 14 (2), 149-158, 2004
Automatic gait recognition based on statistical shape analysis
L Wang, T Tan, W Hu, H Ning
IEEE transactions on image processing 12 (9), 1120-1131, 2003
Incremental spectral clustering by efficiently updating the eigen-system
H Ning, W Xu, Y Chi, Y Gong, TS Huang
Pattern Recognition 43 (1), 113-127, 2010
Incremental spectral clustering with application to monitoring of evolving blog communities
H Ning, W Xu, Y Chi, Y Gong, T Huang
Proceedings of the 2007 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 261-272, 2007
A spectral clustering approach to speaker diarization.
H Ning, M Liu, H Tang, TS Huang
Interspeech, 2006
Discriminative learning of visual words for 3D human pose estimation
H Ning, W Xu, Y Gong, T Huang
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2008
Gait recognition based on procrustes shape analysis
L Wang, H Ning, W Hu, T Tan
Proceedings. International Conference on Image Processing 3, III-III, 2002
Method and apparatus for focus-of-attention control
E Sargin, R Carceroni, H Ning, W Hua, M Renn, H Aradhye
US Patent 8,913,103, 2014
Kinematics-based tracking of human walking in monocular video sequences
H Ning, T Tan, L Wang, W Hu
Image and Vision Computing 22 (5), 429-441, 2004
People tracking based on motion model and motion constraints with automatic initialization
H Ning, T Tan, L Wang, W Hu
Pattern Recognition 37 (7), 1423-1440, 2004
Hierarchical space-time model enabling efficient search for human actions
H Ning, TX Han, DB Walther, M Liu, TS Huang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 19 (6), 808-820, 2009
Latent pose estimator for continuous action recognition
H Ning, W Xu, Y Gong, T Huang
European Conference on Computer Vision, 419-433, 2008
Efficient nonparametric belief propagation with application to articulated body tracking
TX Han, H Ning, TS Huang
2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2006
Creating personalized and continuous playlists for a content sharing platform based on user history
H Ning
US Patent 9,684,656, 2017
Content advertisements for video
Y Shan, X Liu, J Wang, H Ning, J Huang, A Gupta
US Patent App. 12/479,428, 2010
Articulated model based people tracking using motion models
H Ning, L Wang, W Hu, T Tan
Proceedings. Fourth IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces …, 2002
Discriminative estimation of 3D human pose using Gaussian processes
X Zhao, H Ning, Y Liu, T Huang
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4, 2008
Searching human behaviors using spatial-temporalwords
H Ning, Y Hu, TS Huang
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 6, VI-337-VI-340, 2007
Learning to search efficiently in high dimensions
Z Li, H Ning, L Cao, T Zhang, Y Gong, TS Huang
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24, 2011
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Articles 1–20