Masayuki Yoshida
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Cited by
Customer satisfaction with game and service experiences: Antecedents and consequences
M Yoshida, JD James
Journal of Sport Management 24 (3), 338-361, 2010
Conceptualization and Measurement of Fan Engagement: Empirical Evidence From a Professional Sport Context
M Yoshida, B Gordon, M Nakazawa, R Biscaia
Journal of Sport Management 28 (4), 399-417, 2014
Predicting Behavioral Loyalty Through Community: Why Other Fans are More Important Than Our Own Intentions, Our Satisfaction, and the Team Itself
M Yoshida, B Heere, B Gordon
Journal of Sport Management 29 (3), 318-333, 2015
Brand community development through associated communities: Grounding community measurement within social identity theory
B Heere, M Walker, M Yoshida, YJ Ko, JS Jordan, JD James
The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 19 (4), 407-422, 2011
Service quality at sporting events: Is aesthetic quality a missing dimension?
M Yoshida, JD James
Sport Management Review 14 (1), 13-24, 2011
The effect of associated group identities on team identity
B Heere, J James, M Yoshida, G Scremin
Journal of Sport Management 25 (6), 606-621, 2011
Bridging the gap between social media and behavioral brand loyalty
M Yoshida, BS Gordon, M Nakazawa, S Shibuya, N Fujiwara
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 28, 208-218, 2018
Consumer experience quality: A review and extension of the sport management literature
M Yoshida
Sport Management Review 20 (5), 427-442, 2017
Investigating the role of fan club membership on perceptions of team brand equity in football
R Biscaia, S Ross, M Yoshida, A Correia, A Rosado, J Marôco
Sport Management Review 19 (2), 157-170, 2016
Social media content strategy for sport clubs to drive fan engagement
B Annamalai, M Yoshida, S Varshney, AA Pathak, P Venugopal
Journal of retailing and consumer services 62, 102648, 2021
Fan community identification: An empirical examination of its outcomes in Japanese professional sport
M Yoshida, BS Gordon, B Heere, JD James
Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2015
Sport event innovativeness: Conceptualization, measurement, and its impact on consumer behavior
M Yoshida, JD James, JJ Cronin
Sport Management Review 16 (1), 68-84, 2013
The role of service quality and ticket pricing on satisfaction and behavioural intention within professional football
R Biscaia, A Correia, M Yoshida, A Rosado, J Marôco
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 14 (4), 42-66, 2013
Team identification and postdisaster social well-being: The mediating role of social support.
Y Inoue, DC Funk, DL Wann, M Yoshida, M Nakazawa
Group dynamics: theory, research, and practice 19 (1), 31, 2015
Service quality and its effects on consumer outcomes: a meta-analytic review in spectator sport
R Biscaia, M Yoshida, Y Kim
European Sport Management Quarterly 23 (3), 897-921, 2023
A model bridging team brand experience and sponsorship brand experience
R Biscaia, G Trail, S Ross, M Yoshida
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 18 (4), 380-399, 2017
Value creation: assessing the relationships between quality, consumption value and behavioural intentions at sporting events.
M Yoshida, JD James, JJ Cronin Jr
International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship 14 (2), 126-148, 2013
Who is more influenced by customer equity drivers? A moderator analysis in a professional soccer context
M Yoshida, B Gordon
Sport Management Review 15 (4), 389-403, 2012
Social capital and consumer happiness: toward an alternative explanation of consumer-brand identification
M Yoshida, BS Gordon, JD James
Journal of Brand Management 28 (5), 481, 2021
Event satisfaction, leisure involvement and life satisfaction at a walking event: The mediating role of life domain satisfaction
M Sato, M Yoshida, K Wakayoshi, DJ Shonk
Leisure Studies 36 (5), 605-617, 2017
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Articles 1–20