Coleman Merenda
Coleman Merenda
UX Researcher
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Cited by
Augmented reality interface design approaches for goal-directed and stimulus-driven driving tasks
C Merenda, H Kim, K Tanous, JL Gabbard, B Feichtl, T Misu, C Suga
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 24 (11), 2875-2885, 2018
A perceptual color-matching method for examining color blending in augmented reality head-up display graphics
JL Gabbard, M Smith, C Merenda, G Burnett, DR Large
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (8), 2834-2851, 2020
Effects of real-world backgrounds on user interface color naming and matching in automotive AR HUDs
C Merenda, M Smith, J Gabbard, G Burnett, D Large
2016 IEEE VR 2016 Workshop on Perceptual and Cognitive Issues in AR (PERCAR …, 2016
Using affinity diagramming to generate a codebook: a case study on young military veterans and community reintegration
A Haskins Lisle, C Merenda, J Gabbard
Qualitative Research 20 (4), 396-413, 2020
Investigating the effect of urgency and modality of pedestrian alert warnings on driver acceptance and performance
DR Large, H Kim, C Merenda, S Leong, C Harvey, G Burnett, J Gabbard
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 60, 11-24, 2019
Effects of vehicle simulation visual fidelity on assessing driver performance and behavior
C Merenda, C Suga, J Gabbard, T Misu
2019 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium (IV), 1679-1686, 2019
Did you see me? assessing perceptual vs. real driving gains across multi-modal pedestrian alert systems
C Merenda, H Kim, JL Gabbard, S Leong, DR Large, G Burnett
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2017
Drivers' attitudes and perceptions towards a driving automation system with augmented reality human-machine interfaces
X Wu, C Merenda, T Misu, K Tanous, C Suga, JL Gabbard
2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1978-1983, 2020
Effects of" Real-World" Visual Fidelity on AR Interface Assessment: A Case Study Using AR Head-Up Display Graphics in Driving
C Merenda, C Suga, JL Gabbard, T Misu
2019 IEEE international symposium on mixed and augmented reality (ISMAR …, 2019
Effects of volumetric augmented reality displays on human depth judgments: Implications for heads-up displays in transportation
L Lisle, C Merenda, K Tanous, H Kim, JL Gabbard, DA Bowman
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) 11 (2), 1-18, 2019
The effect of augmented reality cues on glance behavior and driver-initiated takeover on SAE Level 2 automated-driving
N de Oliveira Faria, C Merenda, R Greatbatch, K Tanous, C Suga, ...
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 65 (1 …, 2021
Exploring the relationship between false alarms and driver acceptance of a pedestrian alert system during simulated driving
DR Large, C Harvey, G Burnett, C Merenda, S Leong, J Gabbard
Engineers' Forum, Volume 35, Number 1, February 14
J Davis, N Dimitri, R Fasil, B Gringras, E Lacaden, Z Malik, A Papp, ...
Engineers' Forum, 2014
Engineers' Forum, Volume 35, Number 4, November 2014
N Dimitri, V Vishwanathan, J Rodríguez, B Gringras, M Harnad, A Levine, ...
Engineers' Forum, 2014
Engineers' Forum, Volume 35, Number 2, April 2014
N Butler-Abisrror, J Davis, N Dimitri, B Gringras, S Mostaghim, ...
Engineers' Forum, 2014
Engineers' Forum, Volume 32, Number 3, February 2012
S Mohan, TE Pfeifer, C Merenda, A Gomes, M Dassira, K Eckenfels, ...
Engineers' Forum, 2012
Plopski, Alexander, 98 Price, True Prisacariu, Victor A. Qian, Long Qin, Zihe
C Merenda, T Misu, D Monteiro, KR Moser, DW Murray, A Nanda, ...
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