Gerold Siedler
Gerold Siedler
Professor of Physical Oceanography (Emeritus), Kiel University, Geomar, Germany
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Allgemeine Meereskunde: Eine Einführung in die Ozeanographie
G Dietrich, K Kalle, W Krauss, G Siedler
Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin - Stuttgart, 1975
The Benguela: large scale features and processes and system variability
G Wefer, WH Berger, G Siedler, DJ Webb, LV Shannon, G Nelson
The South Atlantic: present and past circulation, 163-210, 1996
Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean
G Siedler, J Gould, JA Church
Academic Press, San Diego 103, 715, 2001
Antarctic intermediate water in the South Atlantic
G Wefer, WH Berger, G Siedler, DJ Webb, LD Talley
The South Atlantic: present and past circulation, 219-238, 1996
On the origin of the Azores Current
B Klein, G Siedler
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 94 (C5), 6159-6168, 1989
The exchange of water between the South Indian and South Atlantic Oceans
JRE Lutjeharms
The South Atlantic, 125-162, 1996
Seasonal changes in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre
L Stramma, G Siedler
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 93 (C7), 8111-8118, 1988
Late Quaternary deep water circulation in the South Atlantic: Reconstruction from carbonate dissolution and benthic stable isotopes
G Wefer, WH Berger, G Siedler, DJ Webb, T Bickert, G Wefer
The South Atlantic: present and past circulation, 599-620, 1996
Expeditions into the past: Paleoceanographic studies in the South Atlantic
G Wefer, WH Berger, G Siedler, DJ Webb, WH Berger, G Wefer
The South Atlantic: present and past circulation, 363-410, 1996
General oceanography
G Dietrich, K Kalle, W Krauss, G Siedler
Wiley, New York, 1980
Meandering of the subtropical front south-east of the Azores
RH Käse, G Siedler
Nature 300 (5889), 245-246, 1982
Chemical Hydrography of the South Atlantic During the Last Glacial Maximum: Cd vs. δ13C
G Wefer, WH Berger, G Siedler, DJ Webb, E Boyle, Y Rosenthal
The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation, 423-443, 1996
Late Quaternary surface temperatures and productivity in the east-equatorial South Atlantic: Response to changes in trade/monsoon wind forcing and surface water advection
G Wefer, WH Berger, G Siedler, DJ Webb, RR Schneider, PJ Müller, ...
The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation, 527-551, 1996
Multi-year current time series in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean
TJ Müller, G Siedler
Journal of Marine Research 50 (1), 63-98, 1992
Seasonal changes in the Tropical Atlantic Circulation: Observation and Simulation of the Guinea Dome
G Siedler, N Zangenberg, R Onken, A Morlière
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (1978–2012) 97 (C1), 703-715, 1992
The Madeira Mode Water
G Siedler, A Kuhl, W Zenk
Journal of Physical Oceanography 17 (10), 1561-1570, 1987
Circulation and Variability at the Southern Boundary of the Brazil Basin*
NG Hogg, G Siedler, W Zenk
Journal of Physical Oceanography 29 (2), 145-157, 1999
The Eastern Boundary Current System between the Canary Islands and the African Coast
M Knoll, A Hernández-Guerra, B Lenz, FL Laatzen, F Machın, TJ Müller, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (17), 3427-3440, 2002
Structure and origin of the subtropical South Indian Ocean Countercurrent
G Siedler, M Rouault, JRE Lutjeharms
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (24), 2006
Clay mineral fluctuations in Late Quaternary sediments of the southeastern South Atlantic: implications for past changes of deep water advection
G Wefer, WH Berger, G Siedler, DJ Webb, B Diekmann, R Petsehick, ...
The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation, 621-644, 1996
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