Valdeci Carlos Dionisio
Valdeci Carlos Dionisio
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Kinematic, kinetic and EMG patterns during downward squatting
VC Dionisio, GL Almeida, M Duarte, RP Hirata
Journal of electromyography and Kinesiology 18 (1), 134-143, 2008
Effect of a corrective exercise program on gait kinetics and muscle activities in older adults with both low back pain and pronated feet: A double-blind, randomized controlled …
M Madadi-Shad, AA Jafarnezhadgero, H Sheikhalizade, VC Dionisio
Gait & Posture 76, 339-345, 2020
Can pain influence the proprioception and the motor behavior in subjects with mild and moderate knee osteoarthritis?
DCS de Oliveira, SD Barboza, FD da Costa, MP Cabral, VMP Silva, ...
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 15, 1-8, 2014
Postural adjustments in young ballet dancers compared to age matched controls
DH Iunes, IF Elias, LC Carvalho, VC Dionísio
Physical Therapy in Sport 17, 51-57, 2016
Human tremor: origins, detection and quantification
AO Andrade, AA Pereira, MFS de Almeida, GL Cavalheiro, APS Paixão, ...
Practical Applications in Biomedical Engineering, 2013
Analysis of electromyographic patterns during standard and declined squats
FSM Alves, FS Oliveira, C Junqueira, BMS Azevedo, VC Dionísio
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 13, 164-172, 2009
Atividade eletromiográfica durante o agachamento unipodal associado a diferentes posições do pé
G Ribeiro, VC Dionísio, GL Almeida
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte 13, 43-46, 2007
Avaliação das limitações de úlcera venosa em membros inferiores
CR Lopes, M Figueiredo, AM Ávila, LMBM Soares, VC Dionisio
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro 12, 5-9, 2013
The effect of the partially restricted sit-to-stand task on biomechanical variables in subjects with and without Parkinson’s disease
LAPS de Souza, M de Biagi Curtarelli, M Mukherjee, VC Dionisio
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 21 (5), 719-726, 2011
The linear co-variance between joint muscle torques is not a generalized principle
LAPS de Souza, VC Dionísio, MAM Lerena, NF Marconi, GL Almeida
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 19 (3), e171-e179, 2009
Discrimination between healthy and patients with Parkinson’s disease from hand resting activity using inertial measurement unit
LB Peres, BC Calil, APSPB da Silva, VC Dionísio, MF Vieira, ...
Biomedical engineering online 20 (1), 50, 2021
Effects of an elastic resistance band exercise program on kinetics and muscle activities during walking in young adults with genu valgus: A double-blinded randomized controlled …
AA Jafarnezhadgero, F Ghorbanloo, A Fatollahi, VC Dionisio, ...
Clinical Biomechanics 81, 105215, 2021
Long-term training on sand changes lower limb muscle activities during running in runners with over-pronated feet
AA Jafarnezhadgero, A Fatollahi, A Sheykholeslami, VC Dionisio, ...
Biomedical engineering online 20, 1-18, 2021
Analysis of ground reaction forces and muscle activity in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction during different running strike patterns
AA Jafarnezhadgero, A Pourrahimghoroghchi, MA Darvishani, S Aali, ...
Gait & Posture 90, 204-209, 2021
Propriedades mecânicas do tecido ósseo: uma revisão bibliográfica
JS Diniz, VC Dionísio, RA Nicolau, MTT Pacheco
Encontro latino americano de iniciação científica 9, 2005
Multi-joint movements with reversal in Parkinson’s disease: Kinematics and electromyography
LAPS de Souza, VC Dionísio, GL Almeida
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 21 (2), 376-383, 2011
Açäo do ultra-son terapêutico sobre a vascularizaçäo pós-lesäo muscular experimental em coelhos
VC Dionísio, JB Volpon
Braz. j. phys. ther.(Impr.), 19-25, 1999
The relationship between running kinematics and the pelvic floor muscle function of female runners
R de Melo Silva, MES Rodrigues, GM Puga, VC Dionisio, VSP Baldon, ...
International Urogynecology Journal 31, 155-163, 2020
Análise do padrão eletromiográfico durante os agachamentos padrão e declinado
FSM Alves, FS Oliveira, C Junqueira, BMS Azevedo, VC Dionísio
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 13, 164-172, 2009
Task-specific tremor quantification in a clinical setting for Parkinson’s disease
A de Oliveira Andrade, APS Paixao, AM Cabral, AG Rabelo, LMD Luiz, ...
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 40, 821-850, 2020
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Articles 1–20