Abdel Nasser H. Zaied
Abdel Nasser H. Zaied
Professor of Information Systems, Vice Dean for students' affairs, Faculty of Computer Science, MIU
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Cited by
An integrated success model for evaluating information system in public sectors
ANH Zaied
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences 3 (6), 814-825, 2012
The role of knowledge management in enhancing organizational performance
ANH Zaied, GS Hussein, MM Hassan
International journal of information engineering and electronic business 4 …, 2012
Barriers to e-commerce adoption in Egyptian SMEs
ANH Zaied
International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business 4 …, 2012
A hybrid plithogenic decision-making approach with quality function deployment for selecting supply chain sustainability metrics
M Abdel-Basset, R Mohamed, AENH Zaied, F Smarandache
Symmetry 11 (7), 903, 2019
Cosine similarity measures of bipolar neutrosophic set for diagnosis of bipolar disorder diseases
M Abdel-Basset, M Mohamed, M Elhoseny, F Chiclana, AENH Zaied
Artificial intelligence in medicine 101, 101735, 2019
Evaluate the impact of COVID-19 prevention policies on supply chain aspects under uncertainty
M Grida, R Mohamed, ANH Zaied
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 8, 100240, 2020
A novel group decision-making model based on triangular neutrosophic numbers
Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Mai Mohamed, Abdel-Nasser Hussien Zaied & Arun Kumar ...
Soft Computing 22 (20), 6629–6643, 2018
Solving the supply chain problem using the best-worst method based on a novel Plithogenic model
M Abdel-Basset, R Mohamed, AENH Zaied, A Gamal, F Smarandache
Optimization theory based on neutrosophic and plithogenic sets, 1-19, 2020
An integrated knowledge management capabilities framework for assessing organizational performance
ANH Zaied
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science 4 (2), 1-10, 2012
Assessing e‑Readiness in the Arab Countries: Perceptions Towards ICT Environment in Public Organisations in the State of Kuwait
ANH Zaied, FA Khairalla, W Al-Rashed
Electronic Journal of E-government 5 (1), pp77‑87-pp77‑87, 2007
A comprehensive study of cuckoo-inspired algorithms
LAF Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abdel-Naser Hessin
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-17, 2016
Neutrosophic integer programming problem
M Mohamed, M Abdel-Basset, ANH Zaied, F Smarandache
Infinite study, 2017
Development of a fuzzy logic traffic system for isolated signalized intersections in the State of Kuwait
ANH Zaied, W Al Othman
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (8), 9434-9441, 2011
Evaluation of Critical Success Factors for Business intelligence systems Using Fuzzy AHP
ANH Zaied, MO Grida, GS Hussein
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 96 (19), 6406-6422, 2018
A survey on meta-heuristic algorithms for global optimization problems
ANH Zaied, M Ismail, S El-Sayed
Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things 1 (1), 40-47, 2020
A Survey of Quadratic Assignment Problems
LAES Abdel Nasser H Zaied
International Journal of Computer Applications 101 (6), 28-36, 2014
E-government Adoption in Egypt: Analysis, Challenges and Prospects
ANH Zaied, AH Ali, HA El-Ghareeb
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) 52 (2), 70-79, 2017
An e-services success measurement framework
ANH Zaied
IJ Information Technology and Computer Science 4 (4), 18-25, 2012
Permutation flow shop scheduling problem with makespan criterion: literature review
ANH Zaied, MM Ismail, SS Mohamed
J. Theor. Appl. Inf. Technol 99 (4), 830-848, 2021
Using Neutrosophic Sets to Obtain PERT Three-Times Estimates in Project Management
FS Mai Mohamed, Mohamed Abdel-Baset, Abdel-Nasser Hussien
Neutrosophic Operational Research 1, 439-442, 2017
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Articles 1–20