Alaitz Zabala Torres
Alaitz Zabala Torres
Grumets research group. Dep Geografia. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
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Cited by
Cited by
Environmental and socioeconomic factors of abandonment of rainfed and irrigated crops in northeast Spain
JJ Vidal-Macua, M Ninyerola, A Zabala, C Domingo-Marimon, ...
Applied Geography 90, 155-174, 2018
Earth observations for sustainable development goals monitoring based on essential variables and driver-pressure-state-impact-response indicators
J Masó, I Serral, C Domingo-Marimon, A Zabala
International Journal of Digital Earth 13 (2), 217-235, 2020
An integrated view of data quality in Earth observation
X Yang, JD Blower, L Bastin, V Lush, A Zabala, J Masó, D Cornford, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2013
Paving the Way to Increased Interoperability of Earth Observations Data Cubes
G Giuliani, J Masó, P Mazzetti, S Nativi, A Zabala
Data 4 (3), 113, 2019
Factors affecting forest dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula from 1987 to 2012. The role of topography and drought
JJ Vidal-Macua, M Ninyerola, A Zabala, C Domingo-Marimon, X Pons
Forest Ecology and Management 406, 290-306, 2017
Effects of lossy compression on remote sensing image classification of forest areas
A Zabala, X Pons
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 13 (1 …, 2011
Impact of lossy compression on mapping crop areas from remote sensing
A Zabala, X Pons
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (8), 2796-2813, 2013
Effects of JPEG and JPEG2000 lossy compression on remote sensing image classification for mapping crops and forest areas
A Zabala, X Pons, R Díaz-Delgado, F García, F Aulí-Llinàs, ...
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 790-793, 2006
Tuning the second-generation SDI: theoretical aspects and real use cases
J Masó, X Pons, A Zabala
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26 (6), 983-1014, 2012
Developing spatially and thematically detailed backdated maps for land cover studies
JJ Vidal-Macua, A Zabala, M Ninyerola, X Pons
International Journal of Digital Earth 10 (2), 175-206, 2017
A Portal Offering Standard Visualization and Analysis on top of an Open Data Cube for Sub-National Regions: The Catalan Data Cube Example
J Maso, A Zabala, I Serral, X Pons
Data 4 (3), 96, 2019
Segmentation and thematic classification of color orthophotos over non-compressed and JPEG 2000 compressed images
A Zabala, C Cea, X Pons
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 15, 92-104, 2012
Analysis of quality metadata in the GEOSS Clearinghouse
P Díaz, J Masó, E Sevillano, M Ninyerola, A Zabala, I Serral, X Pons
International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research 7, 352-377, 2012
Classification of hyperspectral images compressed through 3D-JPEG2000
I Blanes, A Zabala, G Moré, X Pons, J Serra-Sagristà
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 12th …, 2008
A provenance metadata model integrating ISO geospatial lineage and the OGC WPS: Conceptual model and implementation
G Closa, J Masó, A Zabala, L Pesquer, X Pons
Transactions in GIS 23 (5), 1102-1124, 2019
Fusing Landsat and SAR Data for Mapping Tropical Deforestation through Machine Learning Classification and the PVts-β Non-Seasonal Detection Approach
Y Tarazona, A Zabala, X Pons, A Broquetas, J Nowosad, HA Zurqani
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 47 (5), 677-696, 2021
Impact of CCSDS‐IDC and JPEG 2000 Compression on Image Quality and Classification
A Zabala, R Vitulli, X Pons
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2012 (1), 761067, 2012
Rubric-Q: Adding Quality-Related Elements to the GEOSS Clearinghouse Datasets
A Zabala, A Riverola, I Serral, P Díaz, V Lush, J Maso, X Pons, ...
Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE …, 2013
JPEG2000 encoding of images with NODATA regions for remote sensing applications
A Zabala, J Gonzalez-Conejero, J Serra-Sagrista, X Pons
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 4 (1), 041793, 2010
Image Metadata: compiled proposal and implementation
A Zabala, X Pons
Geoinformation for European-wide Integration, Millpress, Rotterdam, 674-652, 2002
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Articles 1–20