Pierre Chardin
Pierre Chardin
Directeur de recherche INSERM
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Guanine-nucleotide-releasing factor hSos1 binds to Grb2 and links receptor tyrosine kinases to Ras signalling
N Li, A Batzer, R Daly, V Yajnik, E Skolnik, P Chardin, D Bar-Sagi, ...
Nature 363 (6424), 85-88, 1993
Human Sos1: a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ras that binds to GRB2
P Chardin, JH Camonis, NW Gale, L Van Aelst, J Schlessinger, MH Wigler, ...
Science 260 (5112), 1338-1343, 1993
Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase signaling pathway inhibits RhoA-induced Ca2+ sensitization of contraction in vascular smooth muscle
V Sauzeau, H Le Jeune, C Cario-Toumaniantz, A Smolenski, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (28), 21722-21729, 2000
The ras protein family: evolutionary tree and role of conserved amino acids
A Valencia, P Chardin, A Wittinghofer, C Sander
Biochemistry 30 (19), 4637-4648, 1991
The mammalian G protein rhoC is ADP‐ribosylated by Clostridium botulinum exoenzyme C3 and affects actin microfilaments in Vero cells.
P Chardin, P Boquet, P Madaule, MR Popoff, EJ Rubin, DM Gill
The EMBO journal 8 (4), 1087-1092, 1989
A human exchange factor for ARF contains Sec7-and pleckstrin-homology domains
P Chardin, S Paris, B Antonny, S Robineau, S Béraud-Dufour, ...
Nature 384 (6608), 481-484, 1996
Toxin-induced activation of the G protein p21 Rho by deamidation of glutamine
G Flatau, E Lemichez, M Gauthier, P Chardin, S Paris, C Fiorentini, ...
Nature 387 (6634), 729-733, 1997
Four additional members of the ras gene superfamily isolated by an oligonucleotide strategy: molecular cloning of YPT-related cDNAs from a rat brain library.
N Touchot, P Chardin, A Tavitian
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 84 (23), 8210-8214, 1987
Brefeldin A: the advantage of being uncompetitive
P Chardin, F McCormick
Cell 97 (2), 153-155, 1999
GEFs: structural basis for their activation of small GTP-binding proteins
J Cherfils, P Chardin
Trends in biochemical sciences 24 (8), 306-311, 1999
The human Rab genes encode a family of GTP-binding proteins related to yeast YPT1 and SEC4 products involved in secretion
A Zahraoui, N Touchot, P Chardin, A Tavitian
Journal of Biological Chemistry 264 (21), 12394-12401, 1989
A new member of the Rho family, Rnd1, promotes disassembly of actin filament structures and loss of cell adhesion
CD Nobes, I Lauritzen, MG Mattei, S Paris, A Hall, P Chardin
The Journal of cell biology 141 (1), 187-197, 1998
N-terminal hydrophobic residues of the G-protein ADP-ribosylation factor-1 insert into membrane phospholipids upon GDP to GTP exchange
B Antonny, S Beraud-Dufour, P Chardin, M Chabre
Biochemistry 36 (15), 4675-4684, 1997
Diaphanous-related formins bridge Rho GTPase and Src tyrosine kinase signaling
T Tominaga, E Sahai, P Chardin, F McCormick, SA Courtneidge, ...
Molecular cell 5 (1), 13-25, 2000
Human cDNAs rap1 and rap2 homologous to the Drosophila gene Dras3 encode proteins closely related to ras in the'effector'region.
V Pizon, P Chardin, I Lerosey, B Olofsson, A Tavitian
Oncogene 3 (2), 201-204, 1988
cAMP antagonizes p21ras‐directed activation of extracellular signal‐regulated kinase 2 and phosphorylation of mSos nucleotide exchange factor.
BM Burgering, GJ Pronk, PC van Weeren, P Chardin, JL Bos
The EMBO Journal 12 (11), 4211-4220, 1993
Inhibition of GTPase Activating Protein Stimulation of Ras-p21 GTPase by the Krev-1 Gene Product
M Frech, J John, V Pizon, P Chardin, A Tavitian, R Clark, F McCormick, ...
Science 249 (4965), 169-171, 1990
The ral gene: a new ras related gene isolated by the use of a synthetic probe.
P Chardin, A Tavitian
The EMBO journal 5 (9), 2203-2208, 1986
Common haplotype dependency of high G gamma-globin gene expression and high Hb F levels in beta-thalassemia and sickle cell anemia patients.
D Labie, J Pagnier, C Lapoumeroulie, F Rouabhi, O Dunda-Belkhodja, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 82 (7), 2111-2114, 1985
Function and regulation of Rnd proteins
P Chardin
Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 7 (1), 54-62, 2006
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Articles 1–20