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A study on hovering motion of the underwater vehicle with umbilical cable
MT Vu, HS Choi, J Kang, DH Ji, SK Jeong
Ocean Engineering 135, 137-157, 2017
Design and control of hybrid underwater glider
DH Ji, HS Choi, JI Kang, HJ Cho, MG Joo, JH Lee
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 11 (5), 1687814019848556, 2019
Experimental study of dynamic stability of underwater vehicle-manipulator system using zero moment point
JI Kang, HS Choi, NN Duc, DH Ji, JY Kim
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 25 (6), 18, 2017
Optical communication system and method capable of monitoring underwater information in real time
JI Kang, HJ Son
US Patent 10,924,714, 2021
An analysis of carbon fiber hull structure of a new underwater glider
JI Kang, SK Jeoung, JY Oh, HS Choi, YH Kim, JY Kim, SH Yu, HK Cho
International Journal of Modern Physics B 32 (19), 1840065, 2018
Energy efficient trajectory design for the underwater vehicle with bounded inputs using the global optimal sliding-mode control
HS Choi, JI Kang, DH Ji, H Joong
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 25 (6), 11, 2017
Design and control of navigation system for hybrid underwater glider
SK Jeong, HS Choi, JI Kang, JY Oh, SK Kim, TQ Minh Nhat
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 36 (2), 1057-1072, 2019
Study on underwater optical communication system for video transmission
HJ Son, JI Kang, TQM Nhat, SK Kim, HS Choi
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology 32 (2), 143-150, 2018
Simulation and experimental validation for dynamic stability of underwater vehicle-manipulator system
JI Kang, HS Choi, ND Nguyen, JY Kim, DH Kim
OCEANS 2017-Anchorage, 1-5, 2017
Control and implementation of underwater vehicle manipulator system using zero moment point
JI Kang, HS Choi, BH Jun, ND Nguyen, JY Kim
2017 IEEE Underwater Technology (UT), 1-5, 2017
재난 탐사 및 구조를 위한 로봇팔 설계 및 제어
강진일, 최형식, 전봉환, 지대형, 오지윤, 김준영
제어로봇시스템학회 논문지 22 (11), 888-894, 2016
Redundancy analysis and motion control using zmp equation for underwater vehicle-manipulator systems
DH Ji, D Kim, JI Kang, JY Kim, ND Nguyen, HS Choi, SW Byun
OCEANS 2016-Shanghai, 1-6, 2016
Design and control of robot arm for inspection and rescue operations
JI Kang, HS Choi, BH Jun, DH Ji, JY Oh, JY Kim
Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems 22 (11), 888-894, 2016
On the position determination of docking station for AUVs using optical sensor and neural network
TQM Nhat, HS Choi, J Sur, JI Kang, HJ Son
International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation 10 (1), 15, 2019
Study on underwater black box data recovery system using optical wireless communication
H Son, H Choi, J Kang, J Sur, S Jeong, J Lee, S Kim
Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology 23 (1), 61-68, 2019
Design and Experimental Study of a Launch and Recovery System for an Underwater Tow-fish with Consideration of Sea State
J Kang, J Sur, S Jeong, H Choi, J Kim, M Kim, J Kim
Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology 21 (4), 332-338, 2017
채널 부호화 기법을 적용한 수중광통신 실험 결과 분석
홍예권, 정현우, 정동민, 정지원, 강진일, 손현중
한국통신학회 학술대회논문집, 878-879, 2022
수중 가시광 통신을 이용한 블랙박스 데이터 회수 시스템 연구
손현중, 최형식, 강진일, 서주노, 정성훈, 이재헌, 김서강
한국항행학회논문지 23 (1), 61-68, 2019
수중청소로봇의 운항 시뮬레이터 연구
강진일, 최형식, 홍성율, 서주노, 김문환, 권경엽
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 217-221, 2009
Study on a navigated simulator of the underwater cleaning robot
HS Choi, JI Kang, SY Hong, HI Park, JN Seo, MH Kim, KY Gwon
Journal of Navigation and Port Research 33 (6), 387-393, 2009
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Articles 1–20