Juozas Padgurskas
Juozas Padgurskas
Professor of Tribology Vytautas Magnus University
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Tribological properties of lubricant additives of Fe, Cu and Co nanoparticles
J Padgurskas, R Rukuiza, I Prosyčevas, R Kreivaitis
Tribology International 60, 224-232, 2013
A comparison of pure and natural antioxidant modified rapeseed oil storage properties
R Kreivaitis, M Gumbytė, K Kazancev, J Padgurskas, V Makarevičienė
Industrial Crops and Products 43, 511-516, 2013
Selective transfer phenomenon in lubricated sliding surfaces with copper and its alloy coatings made by electro-pulse spraying
J Padgurskas, V Snitka, V Jankauskas, A Andriušis
Wear 260 (6), 652-661, 2006
Tribological properties of coatings obtained by electro-spark alloying C45 steel surfaces
J Padgurskas, R Kreivaitis, R Rukuiža, V Mihailov, V Agafii, R Kriūkienė, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 311, 90-97, 2017
Tribological effects of Cu, Fe and Zn nano‐particles, suspended in mineral and bio‐based oils
SJ Asadauskas, R Kreivaitis, G Bikulčius, A Grigucevičienė, J Padgurskas
Lubrication Science 28 (3), 157-176, 2016
The influence of oxidation on tribological properties of rapeseed oil
R Kreivaitis, J Padgurskas, M Gumbytė, V Makarevičienė, B Spruogis
Transport 26 (2), 121-127, 2011
Wear resistance of two-phase titanium alloy after deformation-diffusion treatment
IM Pohrelyuk, SE Sheykin, J Padgurskas, SM Lavrys
Tribology International 127, 404-411, 2018
Anatase or rutile TiO2 nanolayer formation on Ti substrates by laser radiation: Mechanical, photocatalytic and antibacterial properties
A Medvids, P Onufrijevs, J Kaupužs, R Eglitis, J Padgurskas, A Zunda, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 138, 106898, 2021
Tribologic behaviour and suspension stability of iron and copper nanoparticles in rapeseed and mineral oils
J Padgurskas, R Rukuiža, R Kreivaitis, SJ Asadauskas, D Bražinskienė
Tribology-Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 3 (3), 97-102, 2009
Cracking behavior of electrodeposited nanocrystalline tungsten-cobalt and tungsten-iron coatings
V Vasauskas, J Padgurskas, R Rukuiža, H Cesiulis, JP Celis, D Milčius, ...
Mechanics 72 (4), 21-27, 2008
Influence of oxynitriding on antifriction properties of Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloy
IM Pohrelyuk, J Padgurskas, OV Tkachuk, AG Luk’yanenko, VS Trush, ...
Journal of friction and wear 41, 333-337, 2020
Influence of manufacturing methods on the tribological properties of rapeseed oil lubricants
J Padgurskas, R Rukuiža, A Meškinis, R Kreivaitis, B Spruogis
Transport 31 (1), 56-62, 2016
New tribotechnical materials for the friction pair radial lip seal/shaft
J Padgurskas, R Rukuiza, M Vötter, V Wollesen
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 51 (5), 233-238, 1999
Topography, hardness, elastic modulus and wear resistance of nitride coatings on titanium
IM Pohrelyuk, J Padgurskas, SM Lavrys, AG Luk’yanenko, VS Trush, ...
9th International Scientific Conference, dedicated to 100th Anniversary of …, 2017
Antiwear properties of lard methyl esters and rapeseed oil with commercial ashless additives
J Padgurskas, R Kreivaitis, V Jankauskas, P Janulis, V Makarevičienė, ...
Mechanika., 67-72, 2008
An assessment of beeswax as a thickener for environmentally friendly lubricating grease production
R Kreivaitis, J Padgurskas, M Gumbytė, A Kupčinskas
Lubrication Science 27 (6), 347-358, 2015
Electrodeposition and tribological characterization of nanostructured Co-W and Fe-W alloys
N Tsyntsaru, H Cesiulis, Z Bobanova, D Kroitoru, A Dikusar, JP Celis
BALTTRIB, 259-264, 2009
Tribological behavior of rapeseed oil mixtures with mono-and diglycerides
R Kreivaitis, J Padgurksas, V Jankauskas, A Kupčinskas, ...
Mechanics 79 (5), 74-78, 2009
Development and modification of Fe and FeCu nanoparticles and tribological analysis of the lubricants with nano‐suspensions
J Padgurskas, I Prosyčevas, R Rukuiža, R Kreivaitis, A Kupčinskas
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 64 (5), 253-257, 2012
Tribological study of beeswax-thickened biogrease and its modification with carbon nanoparticles
J Padgurskas, EI Johns, I Radulescu, AV Radulescu, R Rukuiža, V Snitka, ...
Tribology International 184, 108465, 2023
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Articles 1–20