Moez Limayem
Moez Limayem
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How habit limits the predictive power of intention: The case of information systems continuance
M Limayem, SG Hirt, CMK Cheung
MIS quarterly, 705-737, 2007
Measuring system usage: Implications for IS theory testing
D Straub, M Limayem, E Karahanna-Evaristo
Management science 41 (8), 1328-1342, 1995
What makes consumers buy from Internet? A longitudinal study of online shopping
M Limayem, M Khalifa, A Frini
IEEE Transactions on systems, man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2000
Force of habit and information systems usage: Theory and initial validation
M Limayem, SG Hirt
Journal of the Association for information Systems 4 (1), 3, 2003
Understanding information systems continuance: The case of Internet-based learning technologies
M Limayem, CMK Cheung
Information & management 45 (4), 227-232, 2008
Data collection in the digital age
ZR Steelman, BI Hammer, M Limayem
MIS quarterly 38 (2), 355-378, 2014
A critical review of online consumer behavior: Empirical research
CMK Cheung, GWW Chan, M Limayem
Journal of electronic commerce in organizations (JECO) 3 (4), 1-19, 2005
Virtual community informatics: A review and research agenda
FSL Lee, D Vogel, M Limayem
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA) 5 (1), 5, 2003
Factors motivating software piracy: a longitudinal study
M Limayem, M Khalifa, WW Chin
IEEE transactions on engineering management 51 (4), 414-425, 2004
Impact of Facebook Usage on Students Academic Achievement: Role of self-regulation and trust
S Rouis, M Limayem, E Salehi-Sangari
Universidad de Almería, 2011
Online consumer behavior: a review and agenda for future research
G Chan, C Cheung, T Kwong, M Limayem, L Zhu
3D social virtual worlds: research issues and challenges
A Hendaoui, M Limayem, CW Thompson
IEEE internet computing 12 (1), 88-92, 2008
E-mail and v-mail usage: Generalizing across technologies
E Karahanna, M Limayem
Journal of organizational computing and electronic commerce 10 (1), 49-66, 2000
User switching of information technology: A theoretical synthesis and empirical test
A Bhattacherjee, M Limayem, CMK Cheung
Information & Management 49 (7-8), 327-333, 2012
Good habits gone bad: Explaining negative consequences associated with the use of mobile phones from a dual‐systems perspective
AA Soror, BI Hammer, ZR Steelman, FD Davis, MM Limayem
Information Systems Journal 25 (4), 403-427, 2015
Predicting the continued use of Internet-based learning technologies: the role of habit
M Limayem, CMK Cheung
Behaviour & Information Technology 30 (1), 91-99, 2011
Intention does not always matter: the contingent role of habit on IT usage behavior
M Limayem, SG Hirt, WW Chin
ECIS 2001 proceedings, 56, 2001
Drivers of Internet shopping
M Khalifa, M Limayem
Communications of the ACM 46 (12), 233-239, 2003
Trust in e-commerce: consideration of interface design factors
YD Wang, HH Emurian
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) 3 (4), 42-60, 2005
Providing decisional guidance for multicriteria decision making in groups
M Limayem, G DeSanctis
Information Systems Research 11 (4), 386-401, 2000
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Articles 1–20