Articles with public access mandates - Frédéric DelmarLearn more
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Entrepreneurship as growth: growth as entrepreneurship
P Davidsson, F Delmar, J Wiklund
Strategic entrepreneurship: Creating a new mindset, 328-342, 2017
Mandates: Swedish Council for Health, Labor and Welfare
Untangling the relationships among growth, profitability and survival in new firms
F Delmar, A McKelvie, K Wennberg
Technovation 33 (8-9), 276-291, 2013
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Variable risk preferences in new firm growth and survival
K Wennberg, F Delmar, A McKelvie
Journal of Business Venturing 31 (4), 408-427, 2016
Mandates: Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Endogenous growth through knowledge spillovers in entrepreneurship: an empirical test
F Delmar, K Wennberg, K Hellerstedt
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 5 (3), 199-226, 2011
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
A longitudinal project of new venture teamwork and outcomes
A Brattström, F Delmar, AR Johnson, K Wennberg
Research handbook on entrepreneurial behavior, practice and process, 309-334, 2020
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Modeling new-firm growth and survival with panel data using event magnitude regression
F Delmar, J Wallin, AM Nofal
Journal of Business Venturing 37 (5), 106245, 2022
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Evolutionary views on entrepreneurial processes: Managerial and policy implications
K Wennberg, F Delmar
IFN Working Paper, 2011
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Consensus Emergence as a Dynamic Concept: Bridging the Gap Between the Theoretical Concept and its Empirical Estimation
Y Baurne, F Delmar, J Wallin
OSF, 2024
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Modelling Consensus Emergence With Nonlinear Dynamics
Y Baurne, F Delmar, J Wallin
OSF, 2022
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Evolutionary Views on Entrepreneurial Processes: Managerial and Policy Implications
F Delmar, K Wennberg
IFN Working Paper, 2011
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
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