Adolfy Hoisie
Adolfy Hoisie
Department Chair, Brookaven National Laboratory
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Cited by
The international exascale software project roadmap
J Dongarra, P Beckman, T Moore, P Aerts, G Aloisio, JC Andre, D Barkai, ...
The international journal of high performance computing applications 25 (1 …, 2011
The Quadrics network: High-performance clustering technology
F Petrini, W Feng, A Hoisie, S Coll, E Frachtenberg
Ieee Micro 22 (1), 46-57, 2002
Predictive performance and scalability modeling of a large-scale application
DJ Kerbyson, HJ Alme, A Hoisie, F Petrini, HJ Wasserman, M Gittings
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 37-37, 2001
Entering the petaflop era: the architecture and performance of Roadrunner
KJ Barker, K Davis, A Hoisie, DJ Kerbyson, M Lang, S Pakin, JC Sancho
SC'08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 1-11, 2008
On the feasibility of optical circuit switching for high performance computing systems
KJ Barker, A Benner, R Hoare, A Hoisie, AK Jones, DK Kerbyson, D Li, ...
SC'05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 16-16, 2005
Performance and scalability analysis of teraflop-scale parallel architectures using multidimensional wavefront applications
A Hoisie, O Lubeck, H Wasserman
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 14 (4 …, 2000
Performance optimization of numerically intensive codes
S Goedecker, A Hoisie
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2001
Quantifying the energy cost of data movement in scientific applications
G Kestor, R Gioiosa, DJ Kerbyson, A Hoisie
2013 IEEE international symposium on workload characterization (IISWC), 56-65, 2013
Performance evaluation of the quadrics interconnection network
F Petrini, E Frachtenberg, A Hoisie, S Coll
Cluster Computing 6, 125-142, 2003
Top ten exascale research challenges
R Lucas, J Ang, K Bergman, S Borkar, W Carlson, L Carrington, G Chiu, ...
DOE ASCAC subcommittee report, 1-86, 2014
Using performance modeling to design large-scale systems
KJ Barker, K Davis, A Hoisie, DJ Kerbyson, M Lang, S Pakin, JC Sancho
Computer 42 (11), 42-49, 2009
Using multirail networks in high‐performance clusters
S Coll, E Frachtenberg, F Petrini, A Hoisie, L Gurvits
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 15 (7‐8), 625-651, 2003
Palm: Easing the burden of analytical performance modeling
NR Tallent, A Hoisie
Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on Supercomputing, 221-230, 2014
Perfect (power efficiency revolution for embedded computing technologies) benchmark suite manual
K Barker, T Benson, D Campbell, D Ediger, R Gioiosa, A Hoisie, ...
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Georgia Tech Research Institute, 2013
A performance comparison through benchmarking and modeling of three leading supercomputers: Blue Gene/L, Red Storm, and Purple
A Hoisie, G Johnson, DJ Kerbyson, M Lang, S Pakin
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 74-es, 2006
Hardware-and software-based collective communication on the Quadrics network
F Petrini, S Coll, E Frachtenberg, A Hoisie
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and …, 2001
A performance evaluation of the Nehalem quad-core processor for scientific computing
KJ Barker, K Davis, A Hoisie, DJ Kerbyson, M Lang, S Pakin, JC Sancho
Parallel Processing Letters 18 (04), 453-469, 2008
A performance and scalability analysis of the BlueGene/L architecture
K Davis, A Hoisie, G Johnson, DJ Kerbyson, M Lang, S Pakin, F Petrini
SC'04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 41-41, 2004
Doe advanced scientific computing advisory subcommittee (ascac) report: top ten exascale research challenges
R Lucas, J Ang, K Bergman, S Borkar, W Carlson, L Carrington, G Chiu, ...
USDOE Office of Science (SC)(United States), 2014
System resilience at extreme scale
EN Elnozahy, R Bianchini, T El-Ghazawi, A Fox, F Godfrey, A Hoisie, ...
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), Tech. Rep, 2008
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Articles 1–20