Sarathambal C
Sarathambal C
Senior Scientist (Ag.Microbiology), ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode
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Isolation and characterization of potential Zn solubilizing bacteria from soil and its effects on soil Zn release rates, soil available Zn and plant Zn content
R Dinesh, V Srinivasan, S Hamza, C Sarathambal, SJA Gowda, ...
Geoderma 321, 173-186, 2018
Assessing the Zinc solubilization ability of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus in maize rhizosphere using labelled 65Zn compounds
C Sarathambal, M Thangaraju, C Paulraj, M Gomathy
Indian Journal of Microbiology 50, 103-109, 2010
The effect of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on the growth, physiology, and Cd uptake of Arundo donax L.
C Sarathambal, PJ Khankhane, Y Gharde, B Kumar, M Varun, S Arun
International journal of phytoremediation 19 (4), 360-370, 2017
Characterization and crop production efficiency of diazotrophic isolates from the rhizosphere of semi-arid tropical grasses of India
C Sarathambal, K Ilamurugu, D Balachandar, C Chinnadurai, Y Gharde
Applied Soil Ecology 87, 1-10, 2015
Mechanism of antioxidant and antifungal properties of Pimenta dioica(L.) leaf essential oil on Aspergillus flavus
C Sarathambal, S Rajagopal, R Viswanathan
Journal of Food Science and Technology 58, 2497-2506, 2021
Changes in bacterial diversity and composition in response to co-inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizae and zinc-solubilizing bacteria in turmeric rhizosphere
C Sarathambal, R Dinesh, V Srinivasan, TE Sheeja, V Jeeva, M Manzoor
Current Microbiology 79, 1-9, 2022
Comparative performance of plant extracts, biocontrol agents and fungicides on the diseases of sunflower
R Poorniammal, C Sarathambal
Comparative performance of liquid formulation of phosphobacteria with carrier based inoculants on the growth and yield of maize (CO 1)
M Gomathy, M Thangaraju, NO Gopal, C Sarathambal
J. Soil Biol 27 (1&2), 7-12, 2007
New rhizobacteria strains with effective antimycotic compounds against rhizome rot pathogens and identification of genes encoding antimicrobial peptides
R Praveena, K Srekha, R Revathy, V Srinivasan, C Sarathambal, ...
Rhizosphere 22, 100515, 2022
Response of soil enzymes to elevated CO2 and temperature in weeds associated with rice-wheat cropping system
C Sarathambal, M Rathore, D Jaggi, B Kumar
Indian Society of Weed Science 48 (1), 29-32, 2016
Saline tolerant plant growth promoting diazotrophs from rhizosphere of Bermuda grass and their effect on rice
C Sarathambal, K Ilamurugu
Indian Society of Weed Science 45 (2), 80-85, 2013
Phosphate solubilising diazotrophic bacteria associated with rhizosphere of weedy grasses
C Sarathambal, K Ilamurugu
Indian Society of Weed Science 46 (4), 364-639, 2014
Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization alters biochemical, molecular defense responses and root exudate composition against Phytophthora capsici infection in black pepper
C Sarathambal, A Jeevalatha, R Sivaranjani, CN Biju, S Charles, ...
Rhizosphere 25, 100651, 2023
A review on weeds as source of novel plant growth promoting microbes for crop improvement
C Sarathambal, K Ilamurugu, LS Priya, KK Barman
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 6 (2), 880, 2014
Conservation tillage and weed management effect on soil microflora of soybean-wheat cropping system
P Singh, C Sarathambal, ML Kewat, VP Singh
Indian Society of Weed Science 47 (4), 366-370, 2015
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on growth, mineral nutrient uptake, photosynthesis and antioxidant activities of black pepper cuttings
C Sarathambal, R Sivaranjani, V Srinivasan, M Alagupalamuthirsolai, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition 46 (10), 2508-2524, 2023
ICAR-AICRPS varieties
A Sharon, HJ Akshitha, C Sarathambal
ICAR-All India coordinated research project on spices 53, 2020
Effect of cadmium uptake on growth and physiology of water lettuce
M Varun, CO Ogunkunle, C Sarathambal, MS Paul, B Kumar
Indian Society of Weed Science 49 (1), 102-104, 2017
Intercropping and weed management effect on soil microbial activities in newly planted mango and citrus orchards
C Sarathambal, VP Singh, KK Barman, MS Raghuvanshi, RP Dubey
Indian Society of Weed Science 47 (2), 178-182, 2015
Optimization of liquid phospho bacteria required for maize seeds.
M Gomathy, M Thangaraju, C Sarathambal
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Articles 1–20