Olaniran Hamed Odountan
Olaniran Hamed Odountan
Université Abomey-Calavi // CAPE BIO-ONG
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Cited by
Biomonitoring of lakes using macroinvertebrates: recommended indices and metrics for use in West Africa and developing countries
OH Odountan, L Janssens de Bisthoven, Y Abou, H Eggermont
Hydrobiologia 826, 1-23, 2019
Can macroinvertebrate assemblage changes be used as biological indicator of water quality of the Nokoue Lake (Benin)?
H Odountan, Y Abou
Journal of Environmental Protection 6 (12), 1402, 2015
Spatio-temporal variation of environmental variables and aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in Lake Nokoué, a RAMSAR site of Benin
OH Odountan, LJ de Bisthoven, CZ Koudenoukpo, Y Abou
African Journal of Aquatic Science 44 (3), 219-231, 2019
Using self–organizing maps and machine learning models to assess mollusc community structure in relation to physicochemical variables in a West Africa river–estuary system
ZC Koudenoukpo, OH Odountan, PA Agboho, T Dalu, B Van Bocxlaer, ...
Ecological Indicators 126, 107706, 2021
Structure and composition of macroinvertebrates during flood period of the Nokoue Lake, Benin
H Odountan, Y Abou
Open Journal of Ecology 6 (2), 62-73, 2016
Effects of stocking density on growth, production and farming profitability of African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) fed chicken viscera-diet in earthen ponds
Y Abou, V Oké, HO Odountan
International Journal of Biosciences 9 (6), 404-414, 2016
Chicken viscera meal as a main component in diet for African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) reared in earthen ponds
V Oké, HO Odountan, Y Abou
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 4 (12), 799-805, 2016
Checklist of the fresh and brackish water snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) of Bénin and adjacent West African ecoregions
ZC Koudenoukpo, OH Odountan, B Van Bocxlaer, R Sablon, A Chikou, ...
ZooKeys 942, 21, 2020
Ecologie comparée des Macroinvertébrés et Bioindication de la Qualité de l’eau des Lacs Nokoué et Ahémé au Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest). PhD thesis
OH Odountan
Université d’Abomey-Calavi, 2017
Understanding the patterns and processes underlying water quality and pollution risk in West–Africa River using self-organizing maps and multivariate analyses
ZC Koudenoukpo, OH Odountan, C Guo, R Céréghino, A Chikou, YS Park
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (5), 11893-11912, 2023
Environmental Flows Assessment Based on the Coupling of Water Level and Salinity Requirements for Maintaining Biodiversity: A Case Study from the Ouémé delta in West Africa
MB Djihouessi, F Sossa, BM Djihouessi, BAS Degan, M Djondo, ...
Environmental Management 73 (1), 115-129, 2024
Comparison of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of Lake Ahémé (Benin, West Africa) across the short and long wet seasons
OH Odountan, N Sidi OI Massara, L Janssens de Bisthoven, MS Bird, ...
African Journal of Ecology 60 (3), 591-606, 2022
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Articles 1–12