Articles with public access mandates - Thomas GorgasLearn more
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Utilizing the International Geo Sample Number Concept in Continental Scientific Drilling During ICDP Expedition COSC-1
R Conze, H Lorenz, D Ulbricht, K Elger, T Gorgas
Data Science Journal 16 (1), 1-8, 2017
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Revisiting the Ceara Rise, equatorial Atlantic Ocean: isotope stratigraphy of ODP Leg 154 from 0 to 5 Ma
RH Wilkens, T Westerhold, AJ Drury, M Lyle, T Gorgas, J Tian
Climate of the Past 13 (7), 779-793, 2017
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Data report: raw and normalized elemental data along the Site U1338 splice from X-ray fluorescence scanning
M Lyle, A Olivarez Lyle, T Gorgas, A Holbourn, T Westerhold, E Hathorne, ...
Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program 320, 321, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Intercomparison of XRF core scanning results from seven labs and approaches to practical calibration
AG Dunlea, RW Murray, R Tada, CA Alvarez‐Zarikian, CH Anderson, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21 (9), e2020GC009248, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
IODP workshop: developing scientific drilling proposals for the Argentina Passive Volcanic Continental Margin (APVCM)–basin evolution, deep biosphere, hydrates, sediment …
RD Flood, RA Violante, T Gorgas, E Schwarz, J Grützner, ...
Scientific Drilling 22, 49-61, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Government of Argentina
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