Mehrzad Rahimi
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Cited by
Exploring passive and active metamodeling-based reliability analysis methods for soil slopes: a new approach to active training
M Rahimi, Z Wang, A Shafieezadeh, D Wood, EJ Kubatko
International Journal of Geomechanics 20 (3), 04020009, 2020
Impact of plastic compression on the small strain shear modulus of unsaturated silts
A Khosravi, M Rahimi, A Gheibi, M Mahdi Shahrabi
International Journal of Geomechanics 18 (2), 04017138, 2018
Bayesian calibration of multi-response systems via multivariate Kriging: Methodology and geological and geotechnical case studies
M Rahimi, A Shafieezadeh, D Wood, EJ Kubatko, NC Dormady
Engineering geology 260, 105248, 2019
An Adaptive Kriging-Based Approach with Weakly Stationary Random Fields for Soil Slope Reliability Analysis
M Rahimi, Z Wang, A Shafieezadeh, D Wood, EJ Kubatko
Eighth Int. Conf. Case Hist. Geotech. Eng. Geo-Congress, ASCE., Philadelphia, PA, 2019
Characterizing the variation of small strain shear modulus for silt and sand during hydraulic hysteresis
A Khosravi, M Rahimi, P Shahbazan, A Pak, A Gheibi
E3S Web of Conferences 9, 14018, 2016
Probabilistic Lifecycle Cost Analysis of Levees against Backward Erosion
M Rahimi, NL Dehghani, A Shafieezadeh
International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure 2019: Leading …, 2019
Coupled backward erosion piping and slope instability performance model for levees
M Rahimi, A Shafieezadeh
Transportation Geotechnics 24, 100394, 2020
Predicting water sorptivity coefficient in calcareous soils using a wavelet–neural network hybrid modeling approach
AA Moosavi, MA Nematollahi, M Rahimi
Environmental Earth Sciences 80 (6), 226, 2021
Impact of void ratio and state parameters on the small strain shear modulus of unsaturated soils
A Khosravi, A Gheibi, M Rahimi
Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication 2 (4), 241-246, 2016
Parameter Estimation of a Fractional Order Soil Constitutive Model Using KiK-Net Downhole Array Data: A Bayesian Updating Approach
NL Dehghani, M Rahimi, A Shafieezadeh, JE Padgett
Geo-Congress 2020: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Special Topics …, 2020
Resilience of sewer networks to extreme weather hazards: Past experiences and an assessment framework
S Zamanian, M Rahimi, A Shafieezadeh
Pipelines 2020, 50-59, 2020
A physics-based approach for predicting time-dependent progression length of backward erosion piping
M Rahimi, A Shafieezadeh, D Wood, EJ Kubatko
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 58 (7), 995-1004, 2021
Implementation and evaluation of coupled discontinuous Galerkin methods for simulating overtopping of flood defenses by storm waves
D Wood, EJ Kubatko, M Rahimi, A Shafieezadeh, CJ Conroy
Advances in Water Resources 136, 103501, 2020
A multi-hazard hurricane recovery and restoration approach for the built environment
M Rahimi, RK Mazumder, O Nofal
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on structural safety …, 2023
An Experimental Study on the Clarity of Transmitted Bender Element Signals in Unsaturated Silt and Sand
M Rahimi, P Shahbazan, A Gheibi, A Khosravi, A Pak, M Yarmahmoodi
Geo-Congress 2020: Geo-Systems, Sustainability, Geoenvironmental Engineering …, 2020
Impact of Grain Size Distribution Curve on the Small Strain Shear Modulus of Unsaturated Clean Sand
P Shahbazan, A Khosravi, P Toomani, A Pak, M Rahimi
PanAm Unsaturated Soils 2017, 553-563, 2017
A Unified Semiempirical Model for Small-Strain Shear Modulus of Fine-Grained Soils under Hydromechanical Loading
A Gheibi, M Rahimi, A Khosravi
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 150 (5), 04024022, 2024
Multistate Overflow Fragility Models for Homogenous Inland Levees with Noncohesive Sediments
M Rahimi, A Shafieezadeh
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A …, 2023
Multivariate Flood Fragility Models for Homogeneous Earthen USACE Levees
L Adams, M Rahimi, A Shafieezadeh, E Kubatko
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, NH15F-0351, 2022
Storm Surge Risk Assessment and of Levee Systems
M Rahimi
The Ohio State University, 2021
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Articles 1–20