Mean-field theory of photoinduced formation of surface reliefs in side-chain azobenzene polymers TG Pedersen, PM Johansen, NCR Holme, PS Ramanujam, S Hvilsted Physical review letters 80 (1), 89, 1998 | 425 | 1998 |
Polarization holography L Nikolova, PS Ramanujam Cambridge University Press, 2009 | 356 | 2009 |
Novel side-chain liquid crystalline polyester architecture for reversible optical storage S Hvilsted, F Andruzzi, C Kulinna, HW Siesler, PS Ramanujam Macromolecules 28 (7), 2172-2183, 1995 | 352 | 1995 |
Peptide oligomers for holographic data storage RH Berg, S Hvilsted, PS Ramanujam Nature 383 (6600), 505-508, 1996 | 315 | 1996 |
Azobenzene‐functionalized cascade molecules: photoswitchable supramolecular systems A Archut, F Vögtle, L De Cola, GC Azzellini, V Balzani, PS Ramanujam, ... Chemistry–A European Journal 4 (4), 699-706, 1998 | 295 | 1998 |
Liquid crystals for holographic optical data storage AS Matharu, S Jeeva, PS Ramanujam Chemical Society Reviews 36 (12), 1868-1880, 2007 | 279 | 2007 |
Atomic force and optical near‐field microscopic investigations of polarization holographic gratings in a liquid crystalline azobenzene side‐chain polyester PS Ramanujam, NCR Holme, S Hvilsted Applied physics letters 68 (10), 1329-1331, 1996 | 227 | 1996 |
Polarization holographic gratings in side-chain azobenzene polyesters with linear and circular photoanisotropy L Nikolova, T Todorov, M Ivanov, F Andruzzi, S Hvilsted, PS Ramanujam Applied optics 35 (20), 3835-3840, 1996 | 226 | 1996 |
Holographic gratings in azobenzene side-chain polymethacrylates L Andruzzi, A Altomare, F Ciardelli, R Solaro, S Hvilsted, PS Ramanujam Macromolecules 32 (2), 448-454, 1999 | 212 | 1999 |
A remarkably efficient azobenzene peptide for holographic information storage PH Rasmussen, PS Ramanujam, S Hvilsted, RH Berg Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (20), 4738-4743, 1999 | 196 | 1999 |
Side-chain liquid-crystalline polyesters for optical information storage S Hvilsted, F Andruzzi, PS Ramanujam Optics letters 17 (17), 1234-1236, 1992 | 192 | 1992 |
An analysis of the anisotropic and topographic gratings in a side-chain liquid crystalline azobenzene polyester NCR Holme, L Nikolova, PS Ramanujam, S Hvilsted Applied physics letters 70 (12), 1518-1520, 1997 | 191 | 1997 |
Photoinduced circular anisotropy in side-chain azobenzene polyesters L Nikolova, T Todorov, M Ivanov, F Andruzzi, S Hvilsted, PS Ramanujam Optical Materials 8 (4), 255-258, 1997 | 171 | 1997 |
Diffraction from polarization holographic gratings with surface relief in side-chain azobenzene polyesters I Naydenova, L Nikolova, T Todorov, NCR Holme, PS Ramanujam, ... Journal of the Optical Society of America B 15 (4), 1257-1265, 1998 | 164 | 1998 |
10,000 optical write, read, and erase cycles in an azobenzene sidechain liquid-crystalline polyester NCR Holme, PS Ramanujam, S Hvilsted Optics letters 21 (12), 902-904, 1996 | 137 | 1996 |
Ab initio calculation of the electronic spectrum of azobenzene dyes and its impact on the design of optical data storage materials PO Åstrand, PS Ramanujam, S Hvilsted, KL Bak, SPA Sauer Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (14), 3482-3487, 2000 | 136 | 2000 |
Lifetimes of some excited states in the rare earths: La ii, Ce ii, Pr ii, Nd ii, Sm ii, Yb i, Yb ii, and Lu ii T Andersen, O Poulsen, PS Ramanujam, AP Petkov Solar Physics 44, 257-267, 1975 | 126 | 1975 |
Self-induced light polarization rotation in azobenzene-containing polymers L Nikolova, L Nedelchev, T Todorov, T Petrova, N Tomova, ... Applied Physics Letters 77 (5), 657-659, 2000 | 116 | 2000 |
Photoinduced anisotropy measurements in liquid-crystalline azobenzene side-chain polyesters NCR Holme, PS Ramanujam, S Hvilsted Applied optics 35 (23), 4622-4627, 1996 | 114 | 1996 |
Optically induced surface relief phenomena in azobenzene polymers NCR Holme, L Nikolova, S Hvilsted, PH Rasmussen, RH Berg, ... Applied physics letters 74 (4), 519-521, 1999 | 112 | 1999 |