Jia-Rui Shi
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Cited by
Evolving relative importance of the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic in anthropogenic ocean heat uptake
JR Shi, SP Xie, LD Talley
Journal of Climate 31 (18), 7459-7479, 2018
Surface warming–induced global acceleration of upper ocean currents
Q Peng, SP Xie, D Wang, RX Huang, G Chen, Y Shu, JR Shi, W Liu
Science Advances 8 (16), eabj8394, 2022
Ocean warming and accelerating Southern Ocean zonal flow
JR Shi, LD Talley, SP Xie, Q Peng, W Liu
Nature Climate Change, 2021
Effects of buoyancy and wind forcing on Southern Ocean climate change
JR Shi, LD Talley, SP Xie, W Liu, ST Gille
Journal of Climate 33 (23), 10003-10020, 2020
State of the Climate in 2021
J Blunden, T Boyer
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103 (8), S1-S465, 2022
Southern Ocean warming and its climatic impacts
W Cai, L Gao, Y Luo, X Li, X Zheng, X Zhang, X Cheng, F Jia, A Purich, ...
Science Bulletin 68 (9), 946-960, 2023
Two distinct modes of climate responses to the anthropogenic aerosol forcing changes
JR Shi, YO Kwon, SE Wijffels
Journal of Climate 35 (11), 3445-3457, 2022
Antarctica and the southern ocean
KR Clem, S Adusumilli, R Baiman, AF Banwell, S Barreira, RL Beadling, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 104 (9), S322-S365, 2023
The emerging human influence on the seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature
JR Shi, BD Santer, YO Kwon, SE Wijffels
Nature Climate Change 14 (4), 364-372, 2024
Ocean heat uptake and interbasin redistribution driven by anthropogenic aerosols and greenhouse gases
S Li, W Liu, RJ Allen, JR Shi, L Li
Nature Geoscience 16 (8), 695-703, 2023
Introduction [in “State of the Climate in 2022 “]
T Boyer, E Bartow-Gillies, A Abida, M Ades, R Adler, S Adusumilli, ...
Subsurface Ocean Temperature Responses to the Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing in the North Pacific
JR Shi, YO Kwon, SE Wijffels
Geophysical Research Letters, e2022GL101035, 2023
Indian Ocean mixed layer depth change under global warming
Z Gao, SM Long, JR Shi, L Cheng, G Li, J Ying
Frontiers in Climate 5, 2, 2023
Ultimate strength reliability analysis of titanium alloy spherical pressure shell in HOV
SHI Jiarui, T Wenyong
Ship & Ocean Engineering 43 (2), 114-118, 2014
Ocean warming and accelerating Southern Ocean zonal flow. Nat. Climate Change, 11, 1090–1097
JR Shi, LD Talley, SP Xie, Q Peng, W Liu
The competition between anthropogenic aerosol and greenhouse gas climate forcing is revealed by North Pacific water-mass changes
JR Shi, SE Wijffels, YO Kwon, LD Talley, ST Gille
Science advances 9 (38), eadh7746, 2023
Interhemispheric contrasts of ocean heat content change reveals distinct fingerprints of anthropogenic climate forcings
JR Shi, SE Wijffels, YO Kwon, SP Xie
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (16), e2023GL102741, 2023
Atmospheric circulation and surface observations [in" State of the Climate in 2021"]
KR Clem, MN Raphael, S Adusumilli, R Baiman, AF Banwell, S Barreira, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103 (8), S307-S340, 2022
Weakened seasonality of the ocean surface mixed layer depth in the Southern Indian Ocean during 1980–2019
SM Long, S Zhao, Z Gao, S Sun, JR Shi, J Ying, G Li, L Cheng, J Chen, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 51 (7), e2023GL107644, 2024
Annual Cycle Changes in the Vertical Structure of Ocean Temperature: A Fingerprint of Human Influence on Climate
JR Shi, BD Santer, YO Kwon, SE Wijffels
Journal of Climate, 2025
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Articles 1–20