Jen Overbeck
Jen Overbeck
Associate Professor, Melbourne Business School
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When power does not corrupt: superior individuation processes among powerful perceivers.
JR Overbeck, B Park
Journal of personality and social psychology 81 (4), 549, 2001
Powerful perceivers, powerless objects: Flexibility of powerholders’ social attention
JR Overbeck, B Park
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 99 (2), 227-243, 2006
Resources versus respect: Social judgments based on targets' power and status positions
AR Fragale, JR Overbeck, MA Neale
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (4), 767-775, 2011
I feel, therefore you act: Intrapersonal and interpersonal effects of emotion on negotiation as a function of social power
JR Overbeck, MA Neale, CL Govan
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 112 (2), 126-139, 2010
Picking up the gauntlet: How individuals respond to status challenges
CL Porath, JR Overbeck, CM Pearson
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 38 (7), 1945-1980, 2008
Looking down: The influence of contempt and compassion on emergent leadership categorizations.
S Melwani, JS Mueller, JR Overbeck
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (6), 1171, 2012
Internal status sorting in groups: The problem of too many stars
JR Overbeck, J Correll, B Park
Status and groups, 169-199, 2005
The powerful want to, the powerless have to: Perceived constraint moderates causal attributions
JR Overbeck, LZ Tiedens, S Brion
European Journal of Social Psychology 36 (4), 479-496, 2006
Copyright© 2010 The Guilford Press
JR Overbeck
Resistant versus acquiescent responses to ingroup inferiority as a function of social dominance orientation in the USA and Italy
JR Overbeck, JT Jost, CO Mosso, A Flizik
Group processes & intergroup relations 7 (1), 35-54, 2004
One for all: Social power increases self-anchoring of traits, attitudes, and emotions
JR Overbeck, V Droutman
Psychological Science 24 (8), 1466-1476, 2013
Status, race, and money: The impact of racial hierarchy on willingness to pay
AS Ivanic, JR Overbeck, JC Nunes
Psychological science 22 (12), 1557-1566, 2011
Making a positive impression in a negotiation: Gender differences in response to impression motivation
JR Curhan, JR Overbeck
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 1 (2), 179-193, 2008
Silence is golden: Extended silence, deliberative mindset, and value creation in negotiation.
JR Curhan, JR Overbeck, Y Cho, T Zhang, Y Yang
Journal of applied psychology 107 (1), 78, 2022
How the linguistic styles of Donald Trump and Joe Biden reflect different forms of power
R Körner, JR Overbeck, E Körner, A Schütz
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 41 (6), 631-658, 2022
The leaders’ rosy halo: Why do we give powerholders the benefit of the doubt
PK Smith, JR Overbeck
Power, politics, and paranoia: Why people are suspicious about their leaders …, 2014
Chapter 5 Status Conflict in Negotiation
Y Cho, JR Overbeck, PJ Carnevale
Negotiation and groups, 111-136, 2011
Power, status, and influence in negotiation
JR Overbeck, YK Kim
Handbook of research on negotiation, 133-160, 2013
The P‐Word: Power aversion and responsibility aversion as explanations for the avoidance of power
KE Hull, JR Overbeck, LD Smillie, PDL Howe
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 52 (3), 184-196, 2022
The language of power: Interpersonal perceptions of sense of power, dominance, and prestige based on word usage
R Körner, JR Overbeck, E Körner, A Schütz
European Journal of Personality 38 (5), 812-838, 2024
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Articles 1–20