Carlos Alberto Della Rovere
Carlos Alberto Della Rovere
Professor Doutor do Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais da UFSCar
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Characterization of passive films on shape memory stainless steels
CA Della Rovere, JH Alano, R Silva, PAP Nascente, J Otubo, SE Kuri
Corrosion Science 57, 154-161, 2012
Intergranular corrosion susceptibility in supermartensitic stainless steel weldments
JM Aquino, CA Della Rovere, SE Kuri
Corrosion Science 51 (10), 2316-2323, 2009
Effect of thermal aging at 475 C on the properties of lean duplex stainless steel 2101
R Silva, LFS Baroni, MBR Silva, CRM Afonso, SE Kuri, CAD Rovere
Materials Characterization 114, 211-217, 2016
Influence of long-term low-temperature aging on the microhardness and corrosion properties of duplex stainless steel
CA Della Rovere, FS Santos, R Silva, CAC Souza, SE Kuri
Corrosion Science, 2013
Influence of alloying elements on the corrosion properties of shape memory stainless steels
CAD Rovere, JH Alano, R Silva, PAP Nascente, J Otubo, SE Kuri
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012
Thermal aging at 475 C of newly developed lean duplex stainless steel 2404: mechanical properties and corrosion behavior
R Silva, LFS Baroni, CL Kugelmeier, MBR Silva, SE Kuri, CAD Rovere
Corrosion Science 116, 66-73, 2017
Corrosion behavior of shape memory stainless steel in acid media
CAD Rovere, JH Alano, J Otubo, SE Kuri
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011
New insights into the hardening and pitting corrosion mechanisms of thermally aged duplex stainless steel at 475° C: a comparative study between 2205 and 2101 steels
R Silva, GS Vacchi, CL Kugelmeier, IGR Santos, AA Mendes Filho, ...
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 98, 123-135, 2022
A comprehensive study of the pitting corrosion mechanism of lean duplex stainless steel grade 2404 aged at 475 C
R Silva, CL Kugelmeier, GS Vacchi, CBM Junior, I Dainezi, CRM Afonso, ...
Corrosion Science 191, 109738, 2021
Corrosion behavior of carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum and copper upon exposure to biodiesel blended with petrodiesel
CL Kugelmeier, MR Monteiro, R da Silva, SE Kuri, VL Sordi, ...
Energy 226, 120344, 2021
Wear and corrosion performance of Stellite 6® coatings applied by HVOF spraying and GTAW hotwire cladding
CRC Lima, MJX Belém, HDC Fals, CA Della Rovere
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 284, 116734, 2020
Effect of friction spot welding (FSpW) on the surface corrosion behavior of overlapping AA6181-T4/Ti-6Al-4V joints
GS Vacchi, AH Plaine, R Silva, VL Sordi, UFH Suhuddin, NG Alcântara, ...
Materials & Design 131, 127-134, 2017
Localized corrosion susceptibility of supermartensitic stainless steel in welded joints
JM Aquino, CA Della Rovere, SE Kuri
Corrosion 64 (1), 35-39, 2008
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of radial friction welded supermartensitic stainless steel joints
CA Della Rovere, CR Ribeiro, R Silva, LFS Baroni, NG Alcântara, SE Kuri
Materials Science and Engineering: A 586, 86-92, 2013
Influences of alloying elements and dendritic spacing on the corrosion behavior of Al–Si–Ag alloys
LF Gomes, CL Kugelmeier, A Garcia, CA Della Rovere, JE Spinelli
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 15, 5880-5893, 2021
Corrosion behavior of radial friction welded supermartensitic stainless steel pipes
CA Della Rovere, JM Aquino, CR Ribeiro, R Silva, NG Alcântara, SE Kuri
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 65, 318-327, 2015
Refill friction stir spot welded AA5754-H22/Ti-6Al-4V joints: Microstructural characterization and electrochemical corrosion behavior of aluminum surfaces
GS Vacchi, R Silva, AH Plaine, UFH Suhuddin, NG Alcântara, VL Sordi, ...
Materials Today Communications 22, 100759, 2020
Insights into high-temperature oxidation of Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni shape memory stainless steels and its relationship to alloy chemical composition
R Silva, GS Vacchi, IGR Santos, AM de Sousa Malafaia, CL Kugelmeier, ...
Corrosion Science 163, 108269, 2020
Corrosion Failure Analysis Of Galvanized Steel Pipes In A Water Irrigation System
CA Della Rovere, R Silva, C Moretti, SE Kuri
Engineering Failure Analysis, 2013
Characterization, corrosion resistance and hardness of rapidly solidified Ni–Nb alloys
CRM Afonso, K Martinez-Orozco, V Amigo, CA Della Rovere, JE Spinelli, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 829, 154529, 2020
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Articles 1–20