Stephen A. Sivo, Ph.D.
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Cited by
The search for" optimal" cutoff properties: Fit index criteria in structural equation modeling
SA Sivo, X Fan, EL Witta, JT Willse
The journal of experimental education 74 (3), 267-288, 2006
Sensitivity of fit indices to model misspecification and model types
X Fan, SA Sivo
Multivariate Behavioral Research 42 (3), 509-529, 2007
How low should you go? Low response rates and the validity of inference in IS questionnaire research
SA Sivo, C Saunders, Q Chang, JJ Jiang
Journal of the association for information systems 7 (1), 17, 2006
Sensitivity of fit indexes to misspecified structural or measurement model components: Rationale of two-index strategy revisited
X Fan, SA Sivo
Structural Equation Modeling 12 (3), 343-367, 2005
The Effect of Regional Characteristics on the Relationship Between University Resources and Knowledge-Based Startup’s Performance
T O’Neal, C Ford, V Lasrado, S Sivo
Technology Transfer in a Global Economy, 233-250, 2012
Number of predictors and multicollinearity: What are their effects on error and bias in regression?
MR Lavery, P Acharya, SA Sivo, L Xu
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 48 (1), 27-38, 2019
SAS for Monte Carlo Studies: A Guide for Quantitative Researchers, SAS Institute
X Fan, A Felsövályi, SA Sivo, SC Keenan
Inc., Cary, NC, 2002
Do graduated university incubator firms benefit from their relationship with university incubators?
V Lasrado, S Sivo, C Ford, T O’Neal, I Garibay
The Journal of Technology Transfer 41 (2), 105-219, 2016
Predicting continued use of online teacher professional development and the influence of social presence and sociability
JA Smith, SA Sivo
British Journal of Educational Technology 43 (6), 871-882, 2012
Using Δgoodness-of-fit indexes in assessing mean structure invariance
X Fan, SA Sivo
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 16 (1), 54-69, 2009
Qualitative research via focus groups: Will going online affect the diversity of your findings?
B Richard, SA Sivo, M Orlowski, RC Ford, J Murphy, DN Boote, EL Witta
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 62 (1), 32-45, 2021
The professional student affairs administrator: Educator, leader, and manager
RB Winston, DG Creamer, TK Miller
Routledge, 2013
The relationship of instructor self-disclosure, nonverbal immediacy, and credibility to student incivility in the college classroom
AN Miller, JA Katt, T Brown, SA Sivo
Communication Education 63 (1), 1-16, 2014
Students’ Attitude in a Web-enhanced Hybrid Course: A Structural Equation Modeling Inquiry
CC Pan, S Sivo, J Brophy
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences 41 (2), 181-194, 2003
User Acceptance of Mobile Technology: A Campus-Wide Implementation of Blackboard's Mobile™ Learn Application
B Chen, S Sivo, R Seilhamer, A Sugar, J Mao
Journal of educational computing research 49 (3), 327-343, 2013
Understanding how university student perceptions of resources affect technology acceptance in online learning courses
SA Sivo, CH Ku, P Acharya
Australasian Journal of Technology 34 (4), 72-91, 2018
The biasing effects of unmodeled ARMA time series processes on latent growth curve model estimates
S Sivo, X Fan, L Witta
Structural Equation Modeling 12 (2), 215-231, 2005
Combined longitudinal effects of attitude and subjective norms on student outcomes in a web‐enhanced course: A structural equation modelling approach
SA Sivo, CCS Pan, DL Hahs‐Vaughn
British Journal of Educational Technology 38 (5), 861-875, 2007
Extending the technology acceptance model to improve usage & decrease resistance toward a new technology by faculty in higher education
D Siegel, P Acharya, S Sivo
Journal of Technology Studies 43 (2), 58-69, 2017
Students' perceived ease of use of an elearning management system: an exogenous or endogenous variable?
CC Pan, S Sivo, G Gunter, R Cornell
Journal of Educational Computing Research 33 (3), 285-307, 2005
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Articles 1–20