Mandira Pal
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Cited by
Simultaneous weak value amplification of angular Goos–Hänchen and Imbert–Fedorov shifts in partial reflection
S Goswami, M Pal, A Nandi, PK Panigrahi, N Ghosh
Optics Letters 39 (21), 6229-6232, 2014
Optimized weak measurements of Goos–Hänchen and Imbert–Fedorov shifts in partial reflection
S Goswami, S Dhara, M Pal, A Nandi, PK Panigrahi, N Ghosh
Optics express 24 (6), 6041-6051, 2016
Tunable spin dependent beam shift by simultaneously tailoring geometric and dynamical phases of light in inhomogeneous anisotropic medium
M Pal, C Banerjee, S Chandel, A Bag, SK Majumder, N Ghosh
Scientific reports 6 (1), 39582, 2016
Natural weak value amplification in Fano resonance and giant Faraday rotation in magneto-plasmonic crystal
S Guchhait, A BS, N Modak, JK Nayak, A Panda, M Pal, N Ghosh
Scientific reports 10 (1), 11464, 2020
Second-harmonic generation from subwavelength metal heterodimers
MH Shor Peled, E Toledo, S Shital, A Maity, M Pal, Y Sivan, ...
Optics Express 28 (21), 31468-31479, 2020
Experimental probe of weak-value amplification and geometric phase through the complex zeros of the response function
M Pal, S Saha, A BS, S Dutta Gupta, N Ghosh
Physical Review A 99 (3), 032123, 2019
Single-shot measurement of the space-varying polarization state of light through interferometric quantification of the geometric phase
A BS, M Pal, S Mukherjee, J Mishra, D Nandy, N Ghosh
Physical Review A 101 (1), 013836, 2020
Weak measurements in nano-optics
N Modak, AK Singh, S Guchhait, A BS, M Pal, N Ghosh
Current Nanomaterials 5 (3), 191-213, 2020
Weak value amplification using spectral interference of Fano resonance
S Guchhait, N Modak, JK Nayak, A Panda, M Pal, N Ghosh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.10256, 2019
Spin Hall effect of light by tailoring space varying polarization
M Pal, BS Athira, J Mishra, D Nandy, N Ghosh
International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, Th4E. 1, 2016
Selective observation of Goos-H\" anchen and Imbert-Federov shifts in partial reflection via optimized weak measurements in linear and elliptical polarization basis
S Goswami, S Dhara, M Pal, A Nandi, PK Panigrahi, N Ghosh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.03062, 2015
Giant spin hall effect of light in an exotic optical system
A Bag, S Chandel, C Banerjee, D Saha, M Pal, A Banerjee, N Ghosh
Nanophotonics V 9126, 340-346, 2014
Parametric optical rectification due to the near-field interaction between nanosized metallic domains
M Pal, A Niv
Optics Express , 31 (3), 4873-4883, 2023
An Interferometer Approach For Quantifying Space Varying Polarization From Single Shot Measurement.
BS Athira, M Pal, N Ghosh, D Nandy
AGU Fall Meeting 2018, 2018
An Interferometer Approach For Quantifying Space Varying Polarization From Single Shot Measurement.
A BS, M Pal, N Ghosh, D Nandy
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, SH41D-3671, 2018
Weak value amplification of Geometric Spin Hall shift of light beam
M Pal, A Das, S Goswami, N Ghosh
Nanophotonics VII 10672, 14-20, 2018
Extraordinary Spin specific beam shift of Light in an Inhomogeneous Anisotropic medium
M Pal, C Banerjee, S Chandel, A Bag, N Ghosh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.03469, 2015
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Articles 1–17