Mutually beneficial pollinator diversity and crop yield outcomes in small and large farms LA Garibaldi, LG Carvalheiro, BE Vaissière, B Gemmill-Herren, J Hipólito, ... Science 351 (6271), 388-391, 2016 | 579 | 2016 |
Geographical and Botanical Origin of Apis mellifera (Apidae) Honey in four Colombian Departments G Nates-Parra, PM Montoya, FJ Chamorro, N Ramírez, C Giraldo, ... Acta biológica colombiana 18 (3), 427-437, 2013 | 59* | 2013 |
CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination A Allen‐Perkins, A Magrach, M Dainese, LA Garibaldi, D Kleijn, R Rader, ... Ecology 103 (3), e3614, 2022 | 52 | 2022 |
Bee pollen as non-wood forest product in the eastern Andean highlands of Colombia FJC García, DL Bonilla, G Nates-Parra Colombia Forestal 16 (1), 53-66, 2013 | 43* | 2013 |
Floral and reproductive biology of Vaccinium meridionale (Ericaceae) in the Eastern Andes of Colombia FJ Chamorro, G Nates-Parra Revista de Biología Tropical 63 (4), 1197-1212, 2015 | 30* | 2015 |
Honeydew of Stigmacoccus asper (Hemiptera: Stigmacoccidae): a bee-honey resource in oak forests of Colombia FJ Chamorro, G Nates-Parra, T Kondo revista Colombiana de Entomología 39 (1), 2013 | 23* | 2013 |
Botanical Origin of Pot-Honey from Tetragonisca angustula Latreille in Colombia D Obregón, Á Rodríguez-C, FJ Chamorro, G Nates-Parra Pot-Honey: A legacy of stingless bees, 337-346, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
Botanical origin and geographic differentiation of bee-pollen produced in high mountains from the Colombian eastern Andes FJ Chamorro, D León, PM Montoya-Pfeiffer, VM Solarte, G Nates-Parra Grana 56 (5), 386-397, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Apis mellifera como polinizador de cultivos en Colombia GNP Paula Montoya, Daniela León, Fermín J. Chamorro Iniciativa Colombiana de Polinizadores Abejas - ICPA 1, 95-110, 2016 | 16* | 2016 |
Guía Ilustrada de polen y plantas nativas visitadas por abejas C Giraldo, A Rodríguez, F Chamorro, D Obregón, P Montoya, N Ramírez, ... Bogotá DC: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 230, 2011 | 13 | 2011 |
Influencia de la polinización por abejas sobre la producción y características de frutos y semillas de Vaccinium meridionale Sw FJ Chamorro Ericaceae) en los Andes Orientales de Colombia (tesis de maestría). Bogotá …, 2014 | 10 | 2014 |
La apicultura como alternativa de uso no maderable de los bosques andinos con roble en la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia FJ Chamorro Iniciativa Colombiana de Polinizadores: Abejas ICPA 1, 263-276, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Polinización por abejas en cultivos promisorios de Colombia Á Rodríguez, FJ Chamorro, LV Calderón, MS Pinilla, M Henao, R Ospina, ... | 7 | 2015 |
Elevated pan traps optimise the sampling of bees, including when the availability of floral resources is high FJ Chamorro, CMA Faria, FS Araújo, BM Freitas Insect Conservation and Diversity 16 (1), 16-32, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Correction: Local food plant diversity and cultural significance in the Atlantic Forest: a comprehensive ethnobiological synthesis for a humanly disturbed but mega-diverse region FJ Chamorro, L Galetto, NI Hilgert Biodiversity and Conservation, 1-2, 2025 | | 2025 |
Origin of floral resources used by two species of native bees in a livestock agroecological system in Colombia S Currea-Moncaleano, JM Rosso-Londoño, FJ Chamorro Palynology, 2459723, 2025 | | 2025 |
Local food plant diversity and cultural significance in the Atlantic Forest: a comprehensive ethnobiological synthesis for a humanly disturbed but mega-diverse region FJ Chamorro, L Galetto, NI Hilgert Biodiversity and Conservation, 1-33, 2025 | | 2025 |
Where Do Stingless Bees Collect Plant Resins in the Neotropics? G Nates-Parra, ÁR Calderón, PM Montoya-Pfeiffer, FJ Chamorro Stingless Bee Nest Cerumen and Propolis, Volume 1, 265-289, 2024 | | 2024 |
Biología de la polinización: prácticas para el estudio de la relación planta-polinizador M Amaya Márquez, LC Ángel Coca, FJ Chamorro García, ... Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Ciencias. Instituto de …, 2024 | | 2024 |
Complementarity between herbaceous and woody plants in providing resources for bees in a semi-arid tropical climate: insights for conservation FJ Chamorro, CMA Faria, BM Freitas, FS Araújo | | 2021 |