Laura Steacy
Laura Steacy
Associate Professor, Florida State University
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How the Science of Reading Informs 21st‐Century Education
Y Petscher, SQ Cabell, HW Catts, DL Compton, BR Foorman, SA Hart, ...
Reading Research Quarterly 55, S267-S282, 2020
Have we forsaken reading theory in the name of “quick fix” interventions for children with reading disability?
DL Compton, AC Miller, AM Elleman, LM Steacy
Scientific Studies of Reading 18 (1), 55-73, 2014
Individual differences in learning the regularities between orthography, phonology and semantics predict early reading skills
N Siegelman, JG Rueckl, LM Steacy, SJ Frost, M van den Bunt, JD Zevin, ...
Journal of Memory and Language 114, 104145, 2020
Development and prediction of context-dependent vowel pronunciation in elementary readers
LM Steacy, DL Compton, Y Petscher, JD Elliott, K Smith, JG Rueckl, ...
Scientific Studies of Reading 23 (1), 49-63, 2019
Modeling polymorphemic word recognition: Exploring differences among children with early-emerging and late-emerging word reading difficulty
DM Kearns, LM Steacy, DL Compton, JK Gilbert, AP Goodwin, E Cho, ...
Journal of learning disabilities 49 (4), 368-394, 2016
Exploring differential effects across two decoding treatments on item-level transfer in children with significant word reading difficulties: A new approach for testing …
LM Steacy, AM Elleman, MW Lovett, DL Compton
Scientific Studies of Reading 20 (4), 283-295, 2016
The Role of Set for Variability in Irregular Word Reading: Word and Child Predictors in Typically Developing Readers and Students At-Risk for Reading Disabilities
LM Steacy, L Wade-Woolley, JG Rueckl, KR Pugh, JD Elliott, DL Compton
Scientific Studies of Reading 23 (6), 523-532, 2019
Development of First-Graders’ Word Reading Skills: For Whom Can Dynamic Assessment Tell Us More?
E Cho, DL Compton, JK Gilbert, LM Steacy, AA Collins, ER Lindström
Journal of learning disabilities 50 (1), 95-112, 2017
Exploring individual differences in irregular word recognition among children with early-emerging and late-emerging word reading difficulty.
LM Steacy, DM Kearns, JK Gilbert, DL Compton, E Cho, ER Lindstrom, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology 109 (1), 51, 2017
Classification of double deficit groups across time: An analysis of group stability from kindergarten to second grade
LM Steacy, JR Kirby, R Parrila, DL Compton
Scientific Studies of Reading 18 (4), 255-273, 2014
The Role of Statistical Learning in Word Reading and Spelling Development: More Questions Than Answers
AM Elleman, LM Steacy, DL Compton
Scientific Studies of Reading 23 (1), 1-7, 2019
Examining the role of imageability and regularity in word reading accuracy and learning efficiency among first and second graders at risk for reading disabilities
LM Steacy, DL Compton
Journal of experimental child psychology 178, 226-250, 2019
Unpacking the unique relationship between set for variability and word reading development: Examining word-and child-level predictors of performance.
AA Edwards, LM Steacy, N Siegelman, VM Rigobon, DM Kearns, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology 114 (6), 1242, 2022
Examining Child and Word Characteristics in Vocabulary Learning of Struggling Readers
AM Elleman, LM Steacy, NG Olinghouse, DL Compton
Scientific Studies of Reading 21 (2), 133-145, 2017
What can be learned about the reading comprehension of poor readers through the use of advanced statistical modeling techniques
DL Compton, AC Miller, JK Gilbert, LM Steacy
Unraveling the behavioral, neurobiological, & genetic components of reading …, 2013
Modeling and Visualizing the Codevelopment of Word and Nonword Reading in Children From First Through Fourth Grade: Informing Developmental Trajectories of Children With Dyslexia
LM Steacy, AA Edwards, JG Rueckl, Y Petscher, DL Compton
Child Development 92 (3), e252-e269, 2021
Sight word acquisition in first grade students at risk for reading disabilities: an item-level exploration of the number of exposures required for mastery
LM Steacy, D Fuchs, JK Gilbert, DM Kearns, AM Elleman, AA Edwards
Annals of Dyslexia 70 (2), 259-274, 2020
Opening the “black box” of learning to read
LM Steacy, AM Elleman, DL Compton
Theories of Reading Development 15, 99, 2017
Past perspectives and new opportunities for the explanatory item response model
Y Petscher, DL Compton, L Steacy, H Kinnon
Annals of Dyslexia 70 (2), 160-179, 2020
Set for Variability as a Critical Predictor of Word Reading: Potential Implications for Early Identification and Treatment of Dyslexia
LM Steacy, AA Edwards, VM Rigobon, N Gutierrez, NC Marencin, ...
Reading Research Quarterly 58 (2), 254-267, 2023
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Articles 1–20