Dr. Ashish Jain
Dr. Ashish Jain
Previous: Ph.D. Scholar, IIT Indore. Current: Associate Professor, Manipal University Jaipur
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Formulation of genetic algorithm to generate good quality course timetable
A Jain, S Jain, PK Chande
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology 1 (3), 248, 2010
Real-time vanet applications using fog computing
J Grover, A Jain, S Singhal, A Yadav
Proceedings of First International Conference on Smart System, Innovations …, 2018
Local Invariant Features Based Gender Recognition from Facial Images
V Verma, T Jain, S Srivastava, A Jain
Socpros 2017, 2017
Supervised machine learning approach for the prediction of breast cancer
T Jain, VK Verma, M Agarwal, A Yadav, A Jain
2020 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and …, 2020
Cryptanalytic results on knapsack cryptosystem using binary particle swarm optimization
A Jain, NS Chaudhari
International Joint Conference SOCO’14-CISIS’14-ICEUTE’14: Bilbao, Spain …, 2014
A new heuristic based on the cuckoo search for cryptanalysis of substitution ciphers
A Jain, NS Chaudhari
Neural Information Processing: 22nd International Conference, ICONIP 2015 …, 2015
An improved genetic algorithm and a new discrete cuckoo algorithm for solving the classical substitution cipher
A Jain, NS Chaudhari
International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC) 10 (2), 109-130, 2019
A novel cuckoo search strategy for automated cryptanalysis: a case study on the reduced complex knapsack cryptosystem
A Jain, NS Chaudhari
International Journal of System Assurance, Engineering and Management, 1-20, 2017
An improved genetic algorithm for developing deterministic OTP key generator
A Jain, NS Chaudhari
Complexity 2017 (1), 7436709, 2017
Evolving highly nonlinear balanced boolean functions with improved resistance to DPA attacks
A Jain, NS Chaudhari
International Conference on Network and System Security, 316-330, 2015
IOT-enabled model for weed seedling classification: An application for smart agriculture
S Tiwari, AK Sharma, A Jain, D Gupta, M Gono, R Gono, Z Leonowicz, ...
AgriEngineering 5 (1), 257-272, 2023
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Operated Emergency Ad Hoc Networks
J Grover, A Jain, N Chaudhari
CSNT 2017, 2017
Review of metaheuristic techniques for feature selection
S Jain, A Jain, M Jangid
Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2022, 397-410, 2023
Classification of cervical cancer using machine learning techniques: a review
S Jain, A Jain, J M
International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 18 (6 …, 2023
A novel cuckoo search technique for solving discrete optimization problems
AJNS Chaudhari
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 1-15, 2018
A comprehensive review on the significance and impact of deep learning in medical image analysis
S Panda, M Jangid, A Jain
2021 International Conference on Technological Advancements and Innovations …, 2021
Performance Assessment of Thirteen Crossover Operators Using GA
A Jain, T Mishra, J Grover, V Verma, S Srivastava
SocPros 2017, 2017
State of the art and challenges in blockchain applications
NK Gupta, A Jain, PC Sharma, SK Vishwakarma
Smart Systems: Innovations in Computing: Proceedings of SSIC 2021, 311-320, 2021
Genetic algorithm for optimizing network load balance in MPLS network
A Jain, NS Chaudhari
2012 Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2012
An analysis of deep learning models to diagnose covid-19 using radiography images
G Srivastava, A Chauhan, M Jangid, A Jain
2022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT), 1-7, 2022
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Articles 1–20