Prof.  K. R. Sreenivas
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Vortex-dynamics model for entrainment in jets and plumes
KR Sreenivas, AK Prasad
Physics of Fluids 12 (8), 2101-2107, 2000
Levitation of a drop over a film flow
KR Sreenivas, PK De, JH Arakeri
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 380, 297-307, 1999
Instability due to viscosity stratification downstream of a centerline injector
Q Cao, AL Ventresca, KR Sreenivas, AK Prasad
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 81 (5), 913-922, 2003
Laboratory simulations show diabatic heating drives cumulus-cloud evolution and entrainment
R Narasimha, SS Diwan, S Duvvuri, KR Sreenivas, GS Bhat
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (39), 16164-16169, 2011
On the relationship between finger width, velocity, and fluxes in thermohaline convection
KR Sreenivas, OP Singh, J Srinivasan
Physics of Fluids 21 (2), 2009
Velocity and temperature measurements in an axisymmetric turbulent jet with cloud-like off-source heating
A Agrawal, KR Sreenivas, AK Prasad
International journal of heat and mass transfer 47 (6-7), 1433-1444, 2004
A Study of Basalt Fingers Using Experiments and Numerical Simulations in Double-diffusive Systems
OP Singh, D Ranjan, J Srinivasan, KR Sreenivas
Journal of Geography and Geology 3 (1), p42, 2011
Modeling the dynamics of the mixed layer in solar ponds
KR Sreenivas, JH Arakeri, J Srinivasan
Solar energy 54 (3), 193-202, 1995
Field and laboratory experiments on aerosol‐induced cooling in the nocturnal boundary layer
V Mukund, DK Singh, VK Ponnulakshmi, G Subramanian, KR Sreenivas
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 140 (678), 151-169, 2014
Aerodynamics of Bird and Insect Flight
JV Shreyas, S Devranjan, KR Sreenivas
Journal of Indian Institute of Science 91 (3), 415-427, 2011
Cumulus-type flows in the laboratory and on the computer: simulating cloud form, evolution, and large-scale structure
SS Diwan, P Prasanth, KR Sreenivas, SM Deshpande, R Narasimha
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (10), 1541-1548, 2014
Hyper-cooling in the nocturnal boundary layer: the Ramdas paradox
V Mukund, VK Ponnulakshmi, DK Singh, G Subramanian, KR Sreenivas
Physica Scripta 2010, 014041, 2010
Hypercooling in the nocturnal boundary layer: Broadband emissivity schemes
VK Ponnulakshmi, V Mukund, DK Singh, KR Sreenivas, G Subramanian
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 69 (9), 2892-2905, 2012
The effect of initial momentum flux on the circular hydraulic jump
KP Vishwanath, R Dasgupta, R Govindarajan, KR Sreenivas
Journal of Fluids Engineering 137 (6), 061301, 2015
Study of buoyant jets in natural ventilation of a model room
S Subudhi, KR Sreenivas, JH Arakeri
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64, 91-97, 2013
Effect of polymer solutions on the propagation and structure of freely translating vortex rings
HJ Shashank, KR Sreenivas
Chemical Engineering Science 228, 115961, 2020
The role of viscosity contrast on plume structure in laboratory modeling of mantle convection
VN Prakash, KR Sreenivas, JH Arakeri
Chemical Engineering Science 158, 245-256, 2017
Experimental investigation of vortex ring evolution in polymer solutions
S Hegde, HJ Shashank, KR Sreenivas
Chemical Engineering Science 225, 115767, 2020
Study of flapping flight using discrete vortex method based simulations
S Devranjan, SV Jalikop, KR Sreenivas
International Journal of Modern Physics C 24 (12), 1340007, 2013
Identification of new lift generation mechanism in flapping flight
JV Shreyas, KR Sreenivas
Journal of Biomechanics 39, S628-S629, 2006
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Articles 1–20