Articles with public access mandates - David EvansLearn more
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Enamel mineralization and compositional time-resolution in human teeth evaluated via histologically-defined LA-ICPMS profiles
W Müller, A Nava, D Evans, PF Rossi, KW Alt, L Bondioli
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 255, 105-126, 2019
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Cenozoic evolution of the Tripolitza carbonate platform in the Tethyan realm: new age constraints on deposition, diagenesis, metamorphism and nappe emplacement based on U-Pb …
T Klein, G Zulauf, D Evans, A Gerdes, J Glodny, F Heidelbach, F Kirst, ...
Geological Magazine 160 (7), 1282-1300, 2023
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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The DeepMIP contribution to PMIP4: Methodologies for selection, compilation and analysis of latest Paleocene and early Eocene climate proxy data, incorporating version 0.1 of …
CJ Hollis, T Dunkley Jones, E Anagnostou, PK Bijl, MJ Cramwinckel, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 12 (7), 3149-3206, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council
Eocene greenhouse climate revealed by coupled clumped isotope-Mg/Ca thermometry
D Evans, N Sagoo, W Renema, LJ Cotton, W Müller, JA Todd, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 115 (6), 1174-1179, 2018
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific …
Global mean surface temperature and climate sensitivity of the EECO, PETM and latest Paleocene
GN Inglis, F Bragg, N Burls, D Evans, GL Foster, M Huber, DJ Lunt, N Siler, ...
Climate of the past Discussions 2020, 1-43, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Swedish Research Council for Environment …
Planktic foraminifera shell chemistry response to seawater chemistry: Pliocene–Pleistocene seawater Mg/Ca, temperature and sea level change
D Evans, C Brierley, ME Raymo, J Erez, W Müller
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 438, 139-148, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council
Mg/Ca-temperature and seawater-test chemistry relationships in the shallow-dwelling large benthic foraminifera Operculina ammonoides
D Evans, J Erez, S Oron, W Müller
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 148, 325-342, 2015
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
The DeepMIP contribution to PMIP4: Experimental design for model simulations of the EECO, PETM, and pre-PETM (version 1.0)
DJ Lunt, M Huber, E Anagnostou, MLJ Baatsen, R Caballero, R DeConto, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (2), 889-901, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council …
Revisiting carbonate chemistry controls on planktic foraminifera Mg/Ca: Implications for sea surface temperature and hydrology shifts over the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum …
D Evans, BS Wade, M Henehan, J Erez, W Müller
Climate of the Past 12 (4), 819-835, 2016
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
The accuracy of mid-Pliocene δ18O-based ice volume and sea level reconstructions
ME Raymo, R Kozdon, D Evans, L Lisiecki, HL Ford
Earth-Science Reviews 177, 291-302, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Assessing foraminifera biomineralisation models through trace element data of cultures under variable seawater chemistry
D Evans, W Müller, J Erez
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 236, 198-217, 2018
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Early life of Neanderthals
A Nava, F Lugli, M Romandini, F Badino, D Evans, AH Helbling, G Oxilia, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (46), 28719-28726, 2020
Mandates: German Research Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council …
Eocene seasonality and seawater alkaline earth reconstruction using shallow-dwelling large benthic foraminifera
D Evans, W Müller, S Oron, W Renema
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 381, 104-115, 2013
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Calibration of Na partitioning in the calcitic foraminifer Operculina ammonoides under variable Ca concentration: Toward reconstructing past seawater composition
H Hauzer, D Evans, W Müller, Y Rosenthal, J Erez
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 497, 80-91, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Automated extraction of a five‐year LA‐ICP‐MS trace element data set of ten common glass and carbonate reference materials: Long‐term data quality, optimisation and laser cell …
D Evans, W Müller
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 42 (2), 159-188, 2018
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Trace and major element incorporation into amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) precipitated from seawater
D Evans, WR Gray, JWB Rae, R Greenop, PB Webb, K Penkman, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 290, 293-311, 2020
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council, European Commission
LA‐ICPMS Ba/Ca analyses of planktic foraminifera from the B ay of B engal: Implications for late P leistocene orbital control on monsoon freshwater flux
D Evans, R Bhatia, H Stoll, W Müller
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (8), 2598-2618, 2015
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
LA-ICPMS elemental imaging of complex discontinuous carbonates: An example using large benthic foraminifera
D Evans, W Müller
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 28 (7), 1039-1044, 2013
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Planktic foraminiferal Na/Ca: A potential proxy for seawater calcium concentration
X Zhou, Y Rosenthal, L Haynes, W Si, D Evans, KF Huang, B Hönisch, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 305, 306-322, 2021
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
The PhanSST global database of Phanerozoic sea surface temperature proxy data
EJ Judd, JE Tierney, BT Huber, SL Wing, DJ Lunt, HL Ford, GN Inglis, ...
Scientific Data 9 (1), 753, 2022
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council …
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