Articles with public access mandates - Nathalie VriendLearn more
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It's Time for Focused In Situ Studies of Planetary Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
S Diniega, N Barba, L Giersch, B Jackson, A Soto, D Banfield, M Day, ...
2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO), 1-19, 2022
Mandates: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
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Confronting grand challenges in environmental fluid mechanics
T Dauxois, T Peacock, P Bauer, CP Caulfield, C Cenedese, C Gorlé, ...
Physical review fluids 6 (2), 020501, 2021
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation, European …
Wake induced long range repulsion of aqueous dunes
KA Bacik, S Lovett, CP Caulfield, NM Vriend
Physical review letters 124 (5), 054501, 2020
Mandates: Royal Society UK
Force fluctuations at the transition from quasi-static to inertial granular flow
AL Thomas, Z Tang, KE Daniels, NM Vriend
Soft Matter 15 (42), 8532-8542, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Royal Society UK
Photoelastic study of dense granular free-surface flows
AL Thomas, NM Vriend
Physical Review E 100 (1), 012902, 2019
Mandates: Royal Society UK
Two-dimensional radar imaging of flowing avalanches
M Ash, PV Brennan, CJ Keylock, NM Vriend, JN McElwaine, B Sovilla
Cold Regions Science and Technology 102, 41-51, 2014
Mandates: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Size segregation in a granular bore
AN Edwards, NM Vriend
Physical Review Fluids 1 (6), 064201, 2016
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Coarsening dynamics of 2D subaqueous dunes
PA Jarvis, KA Bacik, C Narteau, NM Vriend
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 127 (2), e2021JF006492, 2022
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Royal Society UK
Stability of the interaction between two sand dunes in an idealized laboratory experiment
KA Bacik, CP Caulfield, NM Vriend
Physical Review Letters 127 (15), 154501, 2021
Mandates: Royal Society UK
Dynamics of migrating sand dunes interacting with obstacles
KA Bacik, P Canizares, CP Caulfield, MJ Williams, NM Vriend
Physical Review Fluids 6 (10), 104308, 2021
Mandates: Royal Society UK
The granular Blasius problem
JMF Tsang, SB Dalziel, NM Vriend
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 872, 784-817, 2019
Mandates: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Royal Society UK
The probabilistic nature of dune collisions in 2D
PA Jarvis, C Narteau, O Rozier, NM Vriend
Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions 2022, 1-18, 2022
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Royal Society UK
Interaction between the Blasius boundary layer and a free surface
JMF Tsang, SB Dalziel, NM Vriend
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 839, R1, 2018
Mandates: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Royal Society UK
Flow of buoyant granular materials along a free surface
Z Zheng, HE Huppert, NM Vriend, JA Neufeld, PF Linden
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 848, 312-339, 2018
Mandates: Royal Society UK
Microscopic origin of granular fluidity: An experimental investigation
RN Poon, AL Thomas, NM Vriend
Physical Review E 108 (6), 064902, 2023
Mandates: Royal Society UK
Intermittency between avalanche regimes on grain piles
MI Arran, NM Vriend
Physical Review E 97 (6), 060901, 2018
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Confronting grand challenges in environmental fluid dynamics
T Dauxois, T Peacock, P Bauer, CP Caulfield, C Cenedese, C Gorlé, ...
ArXiv Physics> Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation, European …
3D structure of free-surface avalanche deposits from MRI: particle-size segregation in free-surface, bi-disperse granular flows
RS Walker, CE Gayer, AJ Sederman, NM Vriend
Granular Matter 24 (3), 93, 2022
Mandates: Royal Society UK
Evolving dunes under flow reversals: from an initial heap toward an inverted dune
WR Assis, E Franklin, N Vriend
Authorea Preprints, 2023
Mandates: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
A Critical Gap: In situ Measurements of Planetary Surface-Atmosphere Interactions Beyond Earth
R Sullivan, T Titus, N Vriend
Mandates: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
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