Nicolas A. Stafforini MD
Nicolas A. Stafforini MD
Integrated Vascular Surgery Resident, University of Washington
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Reinterventions after physician-modified endovascular grafts for treatment of juxtarenal aortic aneurysms are non-detrimental to long-term survival
A Tachida, N Stafforini, N Singh, B Starnes, SL Zettervall
Journal of Vascular Surgery 77 (5), 1367-1374. e2, 2023
Reevaluating the need for Routine coverage of the left subclavian artery in thoracic blunt aortic injury
NA Stafforini, N Singh, J Hemingway, B Starnes, N Tran, E Quiroga
Annals of vascular surgery 73, 22-26, 2021
Management of Vascular Injuries in Penetrating Trauma
NA Stafforini, N Singh
Surgical Clinics 103 (4), 801-825, 2023
Management of a patient with arterial thoracic outlet syndrome and Srb anomaly
NA Stafforini, MC Smith
Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques, 101731, 2025
Evolving Strategies for the Management of Carotid Artery Injuries due to Penetrating Trauma
N Stafforini, B Murphy, N Singh, E Quiroga
Annals of Vascular Surgery, 2024
Multidisciplinary hybrid approach to management of a thoracoabdominal aneurysm in a patient with both Loeys-Dietz and vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
NA Stafforini, N Saldana-Ruiz, S DeRoo, U Schwarze, MP Sweet, ...
Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques 10 (4), 101519, 2024
Reinterventions After Physician-Modified Endovascular Grafts for Treatment of Juxtarenal Aortic Aneurysms are Nondetrimental to Long-Term Survival
A Tachida, N Stafforini, N Singh, B Starnes, S Zettervall
Journal of Vascular Surgery 76 (4), e78-e79, 2022
Management of an Aortoenteric Fistula in a Patient with End Stage Renal and Liver Disease, Prior Endovascular Aortic Repair With Type II Endoleak
NA Stafforini, ME Czerwonko, N Singh, E Quiroga, BW Starnes
Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 55 (7), 752-755, 2021
Duodenal-caval fistula from eroding inferior vena cava stent requiring explant and duodenal repair
KM Wang, NA Stafforini, JG Sham, JF Hemingway
Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques, 0
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