Andrew T. Collins
Andrew T. Collins
Senior Lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
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Cited by
Designing efficient stated choice experiments in the presence of reference alternatives
JM Rose, MCJ Bliemer, DA Hensher, AT Collins
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 42 (4), 395-406, 2008
Identifying commuter preferences for existing modes and a proposed Metro in Sydney, Australia with special reference to crowding
DA Hensher, JM Rose, AT Collins
Public Transport 3 (2), 109-147, 2011
On determining priors for the generation of efficient stated choice experimental designs
MCJ Bliemer, AT Collins
Journal of Choice Modelling 21, 10-14, 2016
Behavioural Influences on the Environmental Impact of Collection/Delivery Points
AT Collins
Green Logistics and Transportation, 15-34, 2015
Interactive stated choice surveys: a study of air travel behaviour
AT Collins, JM Rose, S Hess
Transportation 39 (1), 55-79, 2012
Ngene 1.0 stated choice experiment design software
JM Rose, AT Collins, MC Bliemer, DA Hensher
University of Sydney, 2009
Conducting a GPS prompted recall survey over the internet
P Stopher, A Collins
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 84th, 2005, Washington, DC, USA, 2005
Accounting for attribute non-attendance and common-metric aggregation in a probabilistic decision process mixed multinomial logit model: a warning on potential confounding
DA Hensher, AT Collins, WH Greene
Transportation 40 (5), 1003-1020, 2013
Design and development of a stated choice experiment for interdependent agents: accounting for interactions between buyers and sellers of urban freight services
SM Puckett, DA Hensher, JM Rose, A Collins
Transportation 34 (4), 429-451, 2007
Privacy and the Internet of Things− An experiment in discrete choice
D Goad, AT Collins, U Gal
Information & Management 58 (2), 103292, 2021
Specification issues in a generalised random parameters attribute nonattendance model
AT Collins, JM Rose, DA Hensher
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 56, 234-253, 2013
Interrogation of Responses to Stated Choice Experiments: Is there sense in what respondents tell us?: A Closer Look at what Respondents Choose and Process Heuristics used in …
DA Hensher, AT Collins
Journal of Choice Modelling 4 (1), 62-89, 2011
Road to autonomous vehicles in Australia: an exploratory literature review
Y Sun, D Olaru, B Smith, S Greaves, A Collins
Road & Transport Research: A Journal of Australian and New Zealand Research …, 2017
The value of slow travel: Economic appraisal of cycling projects using the logsum measure of consumer surplus
C Standen, S Greaves, AT Collins, M Crane, C Rissel
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 123, 255-268, 2019
Determinants of mode and route change following the opening of a new cycleway in Sydney, Australia
C Standen, M Crane, A Collins, S Greaves, C Rissel
Journal of Transport & Health 4, 255-266, 2017
Attribute nonattendance in discrete choice models: measurement of bias, and a model for the inference of both nonattendance and taste heterogeneity
AT Collins
University of Sydney, 2012
Integrating attribute non-attendance and value learning with risk attitudes and perceptual conditioning
C Balbontin, DA Hensher, AT Collins
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 97, 172-191, 2017
How to better represent preferences in choice models: the contributions to preference heterogeneity attributable to the presence of process heterogeneity
C Balbontin, DA Hensher, AT Collins
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 122, 218-248, 2019
How Safety Risk Information and Alternative Forms of Presenting It Affect Traveler Decision Rules in International Flight Choice
TTR Koo, AT Collins, A Williamson, C Caponecchia
Journal of Travel Research 58 (3), 480-495, 2019
Heterogeneity in decision processes: embedding extremeness aversion, risk attitude and perceptual conditioning in multiple heuristics choice making
DA Hensher, C Balbontin, AT Collins
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Articles 1–20