Konstantinos N. Kalfas
Cited by
Cited by
Numerical study on the response of steel-laminated elastomeric bearings subjected to variable axial loads and development of local tensile stresses
KN Kalfas, SA Mitoulis, K Katakalos
Engineering Structures 134, 346-357, 2017
Influence of steel reinforcement on the performance of elastomeric bearings
KN Kalfas, SA Mitoulis, D Konstantinidis
Journal of structural engineering 146 (10), 04020195, 2020
Inter-story seismic isolation for high-rise buildings
D Forcellini, KN Kalfas
Engineering Structures 275, 115175, 2023
Performance of steel-laminated rubber bearings subjected to combinations of axial loads and shear strains
KN Kalfas, SA Mitoulis
Procedia engineering 199, 2979-2984, 2017
The role of shear modulus on the mechanical behavior of elastomeric bearings when subjected to combined axial and shear loads
KN Kalfas, NG Amirabad, D Forcellini
Engineering Structures 248, 113248, 2021
Numerical study on bridge elastomeric bearings subjected to large shear strains with emphasis on local tension
KN Kalfas, SA Mitoulis, K Katakalos
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), 2017
Study on the response of elastomeric bearings with 3D numerical simulations and experimental validation
D Forcellini, SA Mitoulis, KN Kalfas
COMPDYN 2017; 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in …, 2017
A developed analytical non-linear model of elastomeric bearing verified with numerical findings
KN Kalfas, D Forcellini
Proceedings of the Eurodyn, 2020 XI International Conference on Structural …, 2020
Assessment of the effect of design parameters of pressurized sand dampers from component testing
KN Kalfas, N Makris, U El Shamy
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 149 (10), 04023072, 2023
Estimation of the design parameters of pressurized sand dampers from experiments
KN Kalfas, N Makris
Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2022), ASCEAt: Johns Hopkins University …, 2022
Numerical simulations of particle behavior and crushing within a pressurized sand damper subjected to cyclic loading
M Karimipetanlar, U El Shamy, KN Kalfas, N Makris
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 150 (1), 04023106, 2024
The influence of particle shape on crushing pattern and energy dissipation within a pressurized sand damper
M Karimipetanlar, U El Shamy, KN Kalfas, N Makris
Computers and Geotechnics 166, 106020, 2024
Component testing and characterization of an innovative pressurized sand damper for the response modification of structures
K Kalfas
Characterization of energy dissipation during cyclic loading of a sand damper
U El Shamy, E Sabi, KN Kalfas, N Makris
Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2022), Baltimore, MD, 2022
Testing of the prototype and sustainable pressurized sand damper for the response modification of structures
KN Kalfas, N Makris
12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 12NCEE, 2022
Real-time hybrid simulation of a CLT rocking wall system equipped with pressurized sand dampers for seismic hazard mitigation
L Cao, KN Kalfas, N Makris, JM Ricles
ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2023), 2023
Analytical formulas of the mechanical behavior of rubber bearings considering the isolator nonlinearities and the influence of shear modulus
KN Kalfas, D Forcellini
Seismic Evaluation, Damage, and Mitigation in Structures, 343-363, 2023
The eigenvalues of a partially embedded flexural, prismatic column
N Makris, KN Kalfas
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 50 (13), 3403-3420, 2021
Quantifying damage in the steel shims of seismic isolation rubber bearings due to support rotation
KN Kalfas, SA Mitoulis, D Konstantinidis
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 - Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs, 2021
Engineers for Overseas Development (EfOD): Inspiration and development of young designers through humanitarian aid
E Efthymiou, KN Kalfas, IF OBE
IABSE Symposium Report 108 (1), 260-261, 2017
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Articles 1–20