To “do the right thing” or to “just do it”: Locomotion and assessment as distinct self-regulatory imperatives AW Kruglanski, EP Thompson, ET Higgins, MN Atash, A Pierro, JY Shah, ... The motivated mind, 299-343, 2018 | 903 | 2018 |
Groups as epistemic providers: need for closure and the unfolding of group-centrism. AW Kruglanski, A Pierro, L Mannetti, E De Grada Psychological review 113 (1), 84, 2006 | 832 | 2006 |
Recycling: Planned and self-expressive behaviour L Mannetti, A Pierro, S Livi Journal of environmental psychology 24 (2), 227-236, 2004 | 688 | 2004 |
The statistical analysis of data from small groups. DA Kenny, L Mannetti, A Pierro, S Livi, DA Kashy Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (1), 126, 2002 | 656 | 2002 |
Regulatory mode: locomotion and assessment as distinct orientations. ET Higgins, AW Kruglanski, A Pierro Elsevier Academic Press, 2003 | 502 | 2003 |
On “feeling right” in cultural contexts: How person-culture match affects self-esteem and subjective well-being CA Fulmer, MJ Gelfand, AW Kruglanski, C Kim-Prieto, E Diener, A Pierro, ... Psychological Science 21 (11), 1563-1569, 2010 | 496 | 2010 |
The energetics of motivated cognition: a force-field analysis. AW Kruglanski, JJ Bélanger, X Chen, C Köpetz, A Pierro, L Mannetti Psychological review 119 (1), 1, 2012 | 340 | 2012 |
Motivated cognition and group interaction: Need for closure affects the contents and processes of collective negotiations E De Grada, AW Kruglanski, L Mannetti, A Pierro Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 35 (4), 346-365, 1999 | 314 | 1999 |
Says who? Epistemic authority effects in social judgment AW Kruglanski, A Raviv, D Bar-Tal, A Raviv, K Sharvit, S Ellis, L Mannetti Advances in experimental social psychology 37 (37), 345-92, 2005 | 301 | 2005 |
The social cognition of immigrants' acculturation: effects of the need for closure and the reference group at entry. A Kosic, AW Kruglanski, A Pierro, L Mannetti Journal of personality and social psychology 86 (6), 796, 2004 | 288 | 2004 |
Bases of social power, leadership styles, and organizational commitment A Pierro, BH Raven, C Amato, JJ Bélanger International Journal of Psychology 48 (6), 1122-1134, 2013 | 287 | 2013 |
The motivated gatekeeper of our minds: New directions in need for closure theory and research A Roets, AW Kruglanski, M Kossowska, A Pierro, Y Hong Advances in experimental social psychology 52, 221-283, 2015 | 286 | 2015 |
When similarity breeds content: need for closure and the allure of homogeneous and self-resembling groups. AW Kruglanski, JY Shah, A Pierro, L Mannetti Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (3), 648, 2002 | 242 | 2002 |
Effects of need for closure on creativity in small group interactions A Chirumbolo, S Livi, L Mannetti, A Pierro, AW Kruglanski European journal of personality 18 (4), 265-278, 2004 | 220 | 2004 |
Psychological theory testing versus psychometric nay-saying: comment on Neuberg et al.'s (1997) critique of the need for closure scale. AW Kruglanski, M Atash, E DeGrada, L Mannetti, A Pierro, DM Webster American Psychological Association 73 (5), 1005, 1997 | 219 | 1997 |
Three decades of lay epistemics: The why, how, and who of knowledge formation AW Kruglanski, M Dechesne, E Orehek, A Pierro The Motivated Mind, 19-59, 2018 | 216 | 2018 |
Leader group prototypicality and leadership effectiveness: The moderating role of need for cognitive closure A Pierro, L Cicero, M Bonaiuto, D Van Knippenberg, AW Kruglanski The Leadership Quarterly 16 (4), 503-516, 2005 | 211 | 2005 |
Leadership and uncertainty: How role ambiguity affects the relationship between leader group prototypicality and leadership effectiveness L Cicero, A Pierro, D Van Knippenberg British Journal of management 21 (2), 411-421, 2010 | 201 | 2010 |
A cross‐cultural study of the Need for Cognitive Closure Scale: Comparing its structure in Croatia, Italy, USA and The Netherlands L Mannetti, A Pierro, A Kruglanski, T Taris, P Bezinovic British Journal of Social Psychology 41 (1), 139-156, 2002 | 198 | 2002 |
Construct validity and generalizability of the Carver–White behavioural inhibition system/behavioural activation system scales L Leone, M Perugini, RP Bagozzi, A Pierro, L Mannetti European Journal of Personality 15 (5), 373-390, 2001 | 198 | 2001 |