Ingrida Balčiūnienė
Ingrida Balčiūnienė
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MAIN: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives
N Gagarina, D Klop, S Kunnari, K Tantele, T Välimaa, I Balčiūnienė, ...
Assessment of narrative abilities in bilingual children
N Gagarina, D Klop, S Kunnari, K Tantele, T Välimaa, I Balčiūnienė, ...
Assessing multilingual children: Disentangling bilingualism from language …, 2015
Cross-linguistic constraints in the order of acquisition of quantifiers
N Katsos, C Cummins, MJ Ezeizabarrena, A Gavarró, JK Kraljevic, ...
National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings, 2016
On the role of pragmatics in child-directed speech for the acquisition of verb morphology
M Kilani-Schoch, I Balčiunienė, K Korecky-Kröll, S Laaha, WU Dressler
Journal of pragmatics 41 (2), 219-239, 2009
Pokalbio struktūros analizė kalbos įsisavinimo požiūriu
I Balčiūnienė
Analysis of Conversational Structure from the Perspective of Language …, 2009
Story (re-) telling and reading in children with dyslexia: Language or cognitive resource deficit
AN Kornev, I Balčiūnienė
Book of Abstracts: LSCD-2014. London: UCL, 23-26, 2014
Doing new things with language: Narrative language in SLI preschoolers
I Balčiūnienė, AN Kornev
Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat 12, 25-42, 2016
Interrogatives in Russian and Lithuanian child-directed speech: Do we communicate with our children in the same way?
VV Kazakovskaya, I Balčiūnienė
Journal of Baltic Studies 43 (2), 197-218, 2012
The acquisition of quantification across languages: Some predictions
N Katsos, et al.
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Boston University Conference on Child …, 2012
The learnability of morphology is due to positive and negative evidence. Adult reactions to children’s development of French, Lithuanian and German inflection
WU Dressler, M Kilani-Schoch, I Balčiūnienė, K Korecky-Kröll, S Laaha
12th International Morphology Meeting, workshop on acquisition and …, 2006
Parodomųjų įvardžių įsisavinimas
I Balčiūnien
Lituanistica 4, 45-54, 2005
Lexical and grammatical errors in developmentally language disordered and typically developed children: The impact of age and discourse genre
AN Kornev, I Balčiūnienė
Children 8 (12), 1114, 2021
Narrative production weakness in Russian dyslexics: Linguistic or procedural limitations?
AN Kornev, I Balčiūnienė
Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat 11, 141-157, 2015
Asmeninių įvardžių reikšmės ir funkcijų įsisavinimas
I Balčiūnienė
Kalbotyra 54 (1), 41-50, 2005
Fictional narrative as a window to discourse development: A psycholinguistic approach
AN Kornev, I Balčiūnienė
Events and narratives in language/editor Janusz Badio. Frankfurt am Main …, 2017
MAIN: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (Manual)
N Gagarina, D Klop, S Kunnari, K Tantele, T Välimaa, I Balčiūnienė, ...
MAIN: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (Manual), 2012
& Walters, J.(2012). MAIN: Multilingual assessment instrument for narratives
NV Gagarina, D Klop, S Kunnari, K Tantele, T Välimaa, I Balčiūnienė
ZAS papers in linguistics 56, 155, 0
Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN)(ZAS Papers in Linguistics 56)
N Gagarina, D Klop, S Kunnari, K Tantele, T Välimaa, I Balčiūnienė, ...
Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft: Beerlin, Germany, 2012
Kiekybinis klausiamųjų šnekamosios lietuvių kalbos pasakymų tyrimas
I Balčiūnienė, L Simonavičienė
Lietuvių kalba, 2009
Assessing multilingual children: Disentangling bilingualism from language impairment
N Gagarina, D Klop, S Kunnari, K Tantele, T Välimaa, I Balčiūnienė
Multilingual Matters, 2015
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Articles 1–20