Jose Bento da Silva
Jose Bento da Silva
Assistant Professor, Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick
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Cited by
Wicked problems and new ways of organizing: How Fe y Alegria confronted changing manifestations of poverty
CA Pradilla, JB da Silva, J Reinecke
Organizing for societal grand challenges, 93-114, 2022
Turning to Mystery in Institutional Theory: The Jesuit Spiritual Exercises
J Bento da Silva, P Quattrone, N Llewellyn
Organization Studies, 01708406221081622, 2022
Oral-aural accounting and the management of the Jesuit corpus
J Bento da Silva, N Llewellyn, F Anderson-Gough
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 2017
Institutional Leadership—The Historical Case Study of a Religious Organisation
JB da Silva
Understanding Values Work, 81-95, 2020
Government at a distance: the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
J Bento da Silva, P Quattrone
Foucault and Managerial Governmentality: Rethinking the Management of …, 2017
GPs are from Mars, Administrators are from Venus: The Role of Misaligned Occupational Dispositions in Inhibiting Mandated Role Change
R Wiedner, A Nigam, J da Silva
Work and Occupations, 2020
Apresentação – Gestão e Filosofia / Presentation – Philosophy of Management
Á Balsa, J Bento da Silva
Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 74 (2/3), pp. 363-366, 2018
Mystery-driven institutionalism: The Jesuit Spiritual Exercises as a book of practices leading nowhere
JB da Silva, P Quattrone
On Practice and Institution: New Empirical Directions (Research in the …, 2021
The Role of Metaphors in Making Sense of the Future-A Collective and Temporally Embedded Process
CA Arciniegas, J Reinecke, JA Bento Da Silva
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 15091, 2018
The origins of organizing in the sixteenth century
J Bento da Silva, I Iordanou
Origins of Organizing, 2018
Habitual leadership ethics: Timelessness and virtuous leadership in the Jesuit Order
J Bento da Silva, K Grint, S Pereira, U Thoene, R Wiedner
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-15, 2023
Educating for poverty relief: the case of Fe y Alegria
C Arciniegas-Pradilla, J Bento da Silva
Lexington Books; Rowman & Littlefield, 2021
Educating for Poverty Relief
CA Pradilla, JB da Silva
Jesuit Education at the Crossroads: Discussions on Contemporary Jesuit …, 2021
Jesuit Education at the Crossroads: Discussions on Contemporary Jesuit Primary and Secondary Schools in North and Latin America
J Fichter, LF Klein, C Beirne, M del Socorro Gutiérrez, J Swope, JL Orozco, ...
Rowman & Littlefield, 2021
Mapping Expectations about the Future in Strategy Making: Alleviating Poverty in a Networked Organisation
C Arciniegas, J Bento Da Silva, J Reinecke
Academy of Management Global Proceedings, 68, 2020
7. The origins of organizing in the sixteenth century
JB da Silva, I Iordanou
Origins of Organizing, 129, 2018
Liderança e Instituições Educativas da Companhia de Jesus
J Bento da Silva
A Pedagogia da Companhia de Jesus – Contributos para um Diálogo, 2018
Presenter Symposium Towards a Practice-driven Institutionalism: Exploring Institutional Change in Praxis Organizer: Milo S. Wang
M Lounsbury, JB da Silva, P Quattrone
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Articles 1–18