Andrew Olenski
Andrew Olenski
Assistant Professor
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Cited by
Sex differences in physician salary in US public medical schools
AB Jena, AR Olenski, DM Blumenthal
JAMA internal medicine 176 (9), 1294-1304, 2016
Opioid-prescribing patterns of emergency physicians and risk of long-term use
ML Barnett, AR Olenski, AB Jena
New England Journal of Medicine 376 (7), 663-673, 2017
Sex differences in academic rank in US medical schools in 2014
AB Jena, D Khullar, O Ho, AR Olenski, DM Blumenthal
Jama 314 (11), 1149-1158, 2015
Sex Differences in Faculty Rank Among Academic Cardiologists in the United States
DM Blumenthal, AR Olenski, RW Yeh, DDF Yeh, A Sarma, ACS Schmidt, ...
Circulation 135 (6), 506-517, 2017
Delays in emergency care and mortality during major US marathons
AB Jena, NC Mann, LN Wedlund, A Olenski
New England Journal of Medicine 376 (15), 1441-1450, 2017
Behavioral heuristics in coronary-artery bypass graft surgery
AR Olenski, A Zimerman, S Coussens, AB Jena
New England Journal of Medicine 382 (8), 778-779, 2020
Patient mortality during unannounced accreditation surveys at US hospitals
ML Barnett, AR Olenski, AB Jena
JAMA internal medicine 177 (5), 693-700, 2017
Affirmative action bans and enrollment of students from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in US public medical schools
DP Ly, UR Essien, AR Olenski, AB Jena
Annals of Internal Medicine 175 (6), 873-878, 2022
Association between treatment by locum tenens internal medicine physicians and 30-day mortality among hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries
DM Blumenthal, AR Olenski, Y Tsugawa, AB Jena
Jama 318 (21), 2119-2129, 2017
Status of women in academic ophthalmology
SS Tuli
Journal of Academic Ophthalmology 11 (02), e59-e64, 2019
Association between rainfall and diagnoses of joint or back pain: retrospective claims analysis
AB Jena, AR Olenski, D Molitor, N Miller
bmj 359, 2017
US immigration policy and American medical research: the scientific contributions of foreign medical graduates
D Khullar, DM Blumenthal, AR Olenski, AB Jena
Annals of Internal Medicine 167 (8), 584-586, 2017
Women in leadership
K Wells, JW Fleshman
Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery 33 (04), 238-242, 2020
Do heads of government age more quickly? Observational study comparing mortality between elected leaders and runners-up in national elections of 17 countries
AR Olenski, MV Abola, AB Jena
Bmj 351, 2015
A health plan’s formulary led to reduced use of extended-release opioids but did not lower overall opioid use
ML Barnett, AR Olenski, NM Thygeson, D Ishisaka, S Wong, AB Jena, ...
Health Affairs 37 (9), 1509-1516, 2018
Acute myocardial infarction mortality during dates of national interventional cardiology meetings
AB Jena, A Olenski, DM Blumenthal, RW Yeh, DP Goldman, J Romley
Journal of the American Heart Association 7 (6), e008230, 2018
Physicians’ political preferences and the delivery of end of life care in the United States: retrospective observational study
AB Jena, AR Olenski, D Khullar, A Bonica, H Rosenthal
bmj 361, 2018
Common practice: spillovers from Medicare on private health care
ML Barnett, A Olenski, A Sacarny
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 15 (3), 65-88, 2023
Reallocation and the (In) efficiency of Exit in the US Nursing Home Industry
A Olenski
Unpublished, 2022
Estimating nursing home quality with selection
A Olenski, S Sacher
Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-31, 2024
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