James Webster
James Webster
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Solubilities of sulfur, noble gases, nitrogen, chlorine, and fluorine in magmas
MR Carroll, JD Webster
Reviews in Mineralogy 30, 231-231, 1994
Chloride and water solubility in basalt and andesite melts and implications for magmatic degassing
JD Webster, RJ Kinzler, EA Mathez
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 63 (5), 729-738, 1999
Halogens in volcanic systems
A Aiuppa, DR Baker, JD Webster
Chemical Geology 263 (1-4), 1-18, 2009
Oxidation protection coatings for C/SiC based on yttrium silicate
JD Webster, ME Westwood, FH Hayes, RJ Day, R Taylor, A Duran, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 18 (16), 2345-2350, 1998
Partitioning behavior of chlorine and fluorine in the system apatite–melt–fluid. II: Felsic silicate systems at 200 MPa
JD Webster, CM Tappen, CW Mandeville
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (3), 559-581, 2009
Melt inclusions in pegmatite quartz: complete miscibility between silicate melts and hydrous fluids at low pressure
R Thomas, JD Webster, W Heinrich
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 139, 394-401, 2000
Magmatic apatite: A powerful, yet deceptive, mineral
JD Webster, PM Piccoli
Elements 11 (3), 177-182, 2015
Partitioning of lithophile trace elements between H 2 O and H 2 O + CO 2 fluids and topaz rhyolite melt
JD Webster, JR Holloway, RL Hervig
Economic Geology 84 (1), 116-134, 1989
Partitioning behavior of chlorine and fluorine in the system apatite-silicate melt-fluid
EA Mathez, JD Webster
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (5), 1275-1286, 2005
The exsolution of magmatic hydrosaline chloride liquids
JD Webster
Chemical Geology 210 (1-4), 33-48, 2004
Formation of extremely F-rich hydrous melt fractions and hydrothermal fluids during differentiation of highly evolved tin-granite magmas: a melt/fluid-inclusion study
R Thomas, HJ Förster, K Rickers, JD Webster
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 148, 582-601, 2005
Geochemical evolution of halogen-enriched granite magmas and mineralizing fluids of the Zinnwald tin-tungsten mining district, Erzgebirge, Germany
J Webster, R Thomas, HJ Förster, R Seltmann, C Tappen
Mineralium Deposita 39, 452-472, 2004
Characterization of fluor-chlorapatites by electron probe microanalysis with a focus on time-dependent intensity variation of halogens
B Goldoff, JD Webster, DE Harlov
American Mineralogist 97 (7), 1103-1115, 2012
Melt inclusions in quartz from an evolved peraluminous pegmatite: Geochemical evidence for strong tin enrichment in fluorine-rich and phosphorus-rich residual liquids
JD Webster, R Thomas, D Rhede, HJ Förster, R Seltmann
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (13), 2589-2604, 1997
Partitioning of F between H2O and CO2 fluids and topaz rhyolite melt: Implications for mineralizing magmatic-hydrothermal fluids in F-rich granitic systems
JD Webster
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology 104 (4), 424-438, 1990
Exsolution of magmatic volatile phases from Cl-enriched mineralizing granitic magmas and implications for ore metal transport
JD Webster
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (5), 1017-1029, 1997
Determination of molar absorptivities for infrared absorption bands of H2O in andesitic glasses
CW Mandeville, JD Webster, MJ Rutherford, BE Taylor, A Timbal, K Faure
American Mineralogist 87 (7), 813-821, 2002
Reaction between ultramafic rock and fractionating basaltic magma II. Experimental investigation of reaction between olivine tholeiite and harzburgite at 1150–1050 C and 5 kb
PB Kelemen, DB Joyce, JD Webster, JR Holloway
Journal of Petrology 31 (1), 99-134, 1990
Experimental and modeled solubilities of chlorine in aluminosilicate melts, consequences of magma evolution, and implications for exsolution of hydrous chloride melt at Mt …
JD Webster, B De Vivo
American Mineralogist 87 (8-9), 1046-1061, 2002
Fluid-melt interactions involving Cl-rich granites: experimental study from 2 to 8 kbar
JD Webster
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56 (2), 659-678, 1992
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Articles 1–20